Chapter 8

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Gon was confused. Why was he here? Was he just visiting Killua? Was he still mad at them? Gon didn't move from his spot, as the doctor was still unaware that he was even in the room. Gon decided to wait and see what he would do.

The doctor quietly approached Killua's resting form. He was dressed in a long white button down shirt and black pants. In his right hand a large leather bag resided. His free hand clenched and unclenched slowly.

The doctor reached the side of the bed and began to rummage through his bag. A stethoscope appeared in his hand and he placed the bag on the floor. He unwound the cord and placed it in his ears.

Is he just going to check his heartbeat? What is going on?

Gon was thoroughly confused. He had no idea what was going on. He was trying to decide whether he should call out to the doctor and question him or wait a bit longer. The doctor placed the large end over Killua's heart and listened.

What the Hell! Gon's presence disappeared so he's using Zetsu, but why? Why is he letting this thing touch me?

Gon was just about to interrupt the doctor from doing whatever he was doing when the doctor began to mutter under his breath.

"Damn, how the hell is he awake? I'll have to increase the dosage before his body wakes up." The doctor turned to put his stethoscope away.

The doctor and the nurse are working together! That's why the doctor was hostile when he wouldn't get paid!

"What! What did you just say?!" Gon was instantly in front of Killua's sleeping form to protect him from an 'increased dosage.' The doctor stumbled backwards at the sudden appearance of the boy with raven hair. He collided with the nutrition bag stand and knocked it over. The IV in Killua's arm was ripped from the vein as it clattered to the ground, the bag full of liquid exploding all over the floor.

Yes! I'll be able to wake up now. I need a little bit of time though, stall him Gon!

Killua's fingers twitched.

"When did... How?" The doctor stuttered. Gon's eyes held a frightening look. One that said, 'Answer truthfully or there will be consequences.' The doctor held his hands to his sides and backed away gradually. Gon advanced every step that he retreated.

"All I said was-" From his sides his hands shot up and threw silver, razor edged knives with blades the size of pencils. Gon ducked as the first one sailed over his head. He was about to dodge the second one that was headed at a downward arc toward his shoulder but he stopped at the last second and used his Nen as quickly as he could to soften the blow. The knife grazed his skin, leaving a small cut. If he had dodged that attack the knife would have pierced the defenseless Killua.

Killua's toes curled.

The doctor saw and understood Gon's weakness, now he threw the knives at Killua in a sick game of reverse dodge ball as he made his way towards the door. He threw high and low, left and right, opposite sides. Anything that made Gon stretch out and have to have intense concentration. The knives just kept coming. The doctor seemed to have an endless supply of them.

Gon began to find it increasingly challenging to transfer his Nen to each side of his body rapidly just to move it back again. His movements began to get sloppy as his concentration slipped. The knives began to slash him more frequently and they cut deeper. Then the knives suddenly stopped and the doctor was gone.

Killua made fists with his hands.

The poison doctor had escaped. Gon sank to his knees. True to the name Killua had given him he had poisoned the knives he had thrown. It must have been some kind of blood thinning medicine because Gon's wounds continued to gush even after he had been sitting there for ten minutes.

Killua moved his leg off the side of the bed lethargically. He had yet to open his eyes.

Gon... why aren't you moving?

Killua could feel his presence a few feet in front of the bed but he hadn't moved in a while. Killua willed his limbs to move and got a response from two of the four. Now both of his legs hung over the side of the bed. He opened his sapphire eyes and found himself looking at a ceiling. He willed his limbs to move again and this time they listened.

Killua sat up very slowly on the edge of the bed. The first and only thing that he saw was Gon's unconscious form on the floor in the middle of a continuously enlarging pool of dark red blood and a circle of knives. Killua had intended for his body to stand up and go to Gon but that's not how his body functioned. He scooted off the bed and ended up falling to the floor.

His cloth hospital gown absorbed the mixture of liquids on the floor. First it only took up the poison that had, until recently, resided in Killua's veins, but as Killua scooted closer to the person he cared for most in this world, the cloth began to absorb red.

"...Gon..." Killua croaked out. His voice was hoarse and ruff from not using it. He clutched Gon's hand like a life line. The red kept gushing from him. Crimson life leaked from his body. Killua didn't know what to do, he couldn't help him. He tried to stand but there was no way that was happening. He would need at least another fifteen minutes to stand and another twenty five minutes before he could even walk.

Gon is going to bleed out because I can't help him...

Killua's thoughts turned grim. He tried to cover some of the deeper wounds with the sheets and pillows but the poison was to strong.

"Gon... I didn't... die on you... you... can't... die on me. You said... that you would be... by... my side always... you can't... leave me now." Killua spoke. His tears mixed with Gon's blood. Right when Killua thought that all was lost Kurapika walked in with two brown paper bags. The bags hit the floor as he took in the sight. The previously comatose boy was now awake and alive, while his innocent, energetic friend was lying in a pool of his own blood, on the brink of death, surrounded by knives.

"He won't stop... bleeding." Killua struggled out. Kurapika ran back into the hallway to retrieve the nurse he had passed on the way here. Before he had reached her he shouted that his friend was bleeding out and that the blood would not clot. She ran quickly to get a certified doctor.

"You're going to be... okay." Killua's voice was now beginning to clear up. He hugged Gon to him tightly and sobbed, murmuring to him that 'everything would be okay now,' to his motionless, unconscious form.


** Authors Note**

Since it has been brought to my attention that some users are unable to go to my other account on (user name is Rennwolf btw) I will finish posting the story on here. Alright then, Good day to you!

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