Chapter 6

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The light streamed in softly through the single window of the hospital room. A boy with raven hair sat in a chair next to a hospital bed. He held the silver haired boy's limp hand.

Killua had yet to wake up in the two days of recovery time. They had moved him to a normal hospital room so that Gon could visit. (Stay until they kicked him out) Gon talked to Killua for hours on end, telling him about the weather, what he saw on the way here, how much he missed Killua. Whatever came to mind he said it.

It was now the fourth day Killua had been in a comatose state. Gon told him the time every once in a while and he always made sure to tell him what day it was. Gon told himself that he had to be strong for Killua just until Killua could be strong for himself. So he tried to just be happy that his friend was alive.

Why can't I move? I can hear Gon's voice. I can feel the sun on my face. I can feel Gon's fingers tracing random shapes in my palm. So why can't I get up. Why can't I open my eyes? Move my lips. Twitch my fingers. Nothing. But Gon is here. What is going on?

Killua's consciousness had awakened, but his body was completely paralyzed. Something was wrong, the signals that his brain sent to his limbs were being blocked. He gave up trying to move and just listened to Gon talk.

His friend told him everything he needed to know. He was in a coma-like state. Leorio had had to go help someone else in need and left after Killua had finished his recovery time. Gon was all alone at the apartment now and he missed Killua terribly. Killua wanted to tell Gon how much he meant to him. Right then and there. But nothing moved. Not even his heart rate increased as the steady beep... beep... of the monitor beside his bed told him.

It was late now. A few hours past visiting time. Gon had managed to jerk a few heart strings and the nurses had allowed him to stay late. But one nurse would have none of it and when Gon's extra hours were up he was practically shoved out of the door by her.

Killua could hear and picture the commotion, but he could do nothing about it. Gon's hand was pulled away and Killua wished desperately that it would return. But it did not. The cruel nurse came back into the room (Killua knew it was her because a peculiar medicinal scent followed her like a ghost) and switched out his nutrition bag for another. It had the same smell as her. Come to think of it, so did the bag that he had had earlier. But the smell of this one was stronger.

When she switched the drips his consciousness began to slip as if she had dunked his head underwater. Without Gon beside him to pull him back he drowned. As his mind faded he tried to hold on to something, anything. The beeping of the monitor was all his senses could grasp.

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

When Gon returned the next day everything cleared. Killua was able to think. When Gon wasn't there the only thing he was able to do was hear the monitor. After Gon had been there for a few hours the cruel nurse asked if she could talk to him in the hallway.

"Of course." He said cheerfully.

Killua strained to hear what they said and he managed to catch most of the conversation.

"Sir, if your friend is still out for the count in two days you'll have to start paying a fee off 400 dollars a week."

"For the room?"

"Yes, and the care that we have to give to keep your friend alive."

"Alright, whatever it takes."

Killua could practically feel the maniacal smile that nurse made. It sent shivers down his spine. Gon returned, shut the curtain in front of the door window to stop prying eyes -the nurse- and grabbed Killua's hand again. Killua wished that he would have done this before this mess. Gon's hand fit his like Yin to Yang. If he could have sighed in content he would have. He didn't though.

Gon was quiet for a bit. Then the tears came. Silently at first, landing lightly on Killua's hand. Then he sobbed audibly. Killua wished he wouldn't do that. It hurt him more to hear and feel his best friend crying then to bathe in acid. Especially when it was because of him. He wanted to tell him to stop, to cry with him, to hug him until he felt better. Anything. But he couldn't fucking move.

"Killua... I know your recovering and everything but... I need you to wake up... I can't... There's no... no more money. Killua I need you to wake up. I need you to talk to me. Say my name. Smile. Be there."

Killua's heart ripped apart slowly.

I'm right here Gon.

"Please Killua." He sobbed.

I'm here.

"I need you," He whispered.

I need you too, Gon, please see me.

Gon rested his forehead on Killua's hand and let the tears fall. Gon felt alone. Leorio was gone. None of his other friends were here, and his best friend in the entire world wasn't waking up after a surgery. It felt like he had been abandoned by everyone. Why did everyone leave him? Even his own father couldn't put up with him.

He cried harder and just let all of the worries, and sadness leak out in his tears for a long time. After a bit he looked to Killua's face and saw tears falling from his closed eyes onto his pillow. The tears left damp trails down his cheeks. Killua didn't move but the tears kept falling.

Finally I can do something. Even if it is cry... Even if Gon is watching... Even if my heart is breaking and unrepairable.

"Killua..." Gon threw his arms around Killua's neck and nuzzled his face into his sleeping friend shoulder.

Maybe it isn't completely unrepairable.

"I knew you were there! I knew that you could hear me!" Gon continued to cry into Killua's shoulder. Killua wished desperately that he could hug Gon back but was still content even when he couldn't. Not with that nutrition bag running into his blood stream. There was nothing else that could be stopping him from moving.

That damn nurse. She's going to getwhat's coming to her.

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