the future is now - 4:08 PM

695 76 5

there was a time

when adulthood, the dreaded word,

was galaxies away

completely unreachable 

fast forward two years - wasted

thinking "this can't be!"

as reality cackles at 

my pleas for a 

prolonged childhood.

now i can taste adulthood,

it's merciless aroma filling my nose,

it's bitterness leaving my tongue


clouding my brain with infinite 


crashing down into my mind

like meteors

remnants of past lives

clutter the floor 

of my hippocampus

all ripped to pieces 

from the attack

but the threat

still awaits in the horizon

there is no way 

i could ever fake out


and as the weight 

of the knowledge

pushes down into my chest, i realize

these next two years

will pass by me

quicker than

light travels through 


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