The paths down this street were cracked, grass peeping through them. It was relitivly small, this part of town, and it seemed disconnected from everywhere else. Shops were shut and lights were off already. It was about 5:34PM on a Sunday, yet the sun was still high in the sky, warming us as we walked calmly.

I had no idea where we were going, because naturally, I'd never been here before. I hadn't seen my Mum since the Christmas before I turned eight. That was the Christmas she moved from the city where I lived, out here.

Most people would have come to visit by now, but the idea never appealed to me. It may have been because I felt like I should hate her for abandoning me. But really, i think it was because I was too vain. I mean, why would I want to go somewhere where no one is going to know who I am? No one will worship the ground I walk on, no one will stop and stare as the Johnson girl walks past them.

Out here, I was a no body. And I think that's what stopped me most of all.

"Benny and I share the same Mum." Amon suddenly said, drawing me closer to him as the darkness started to set in. "He was born a year and a half before me. Mum, she cheated on Benny's Dad, with my Dad. Anyways, after I was born, they divorced and Mum married my Dad."

I nodded, not saying a word. I wanted him to continue.

"So, Benny grew up with his Dad, alone, while I grew up in a house full of three children, me being the eldest." He sighed, turning abruptly down a quiet classic suburban street. Brick houses, manicured lawns, white fences.

"So, how'd your Mum die?" I asked quietly.

Maybe that wasn't exactly the right thing to say, but I said it anyway. I think Amon just wanted to get things off his chest, and thats why he'd decided to talk to me properly.

"She OD'd on Boxing Day the year I turned twelve." He said, a hard tone to his usually soft voice. He wasn't proud of this bit, I could tell. He wished he could say something else. "Anyway, Dad shipped me off to live with Benny after that, and he took my brother and sister to live here."

We come to a stop, and Amon turns his head to look at the house we're standing in front of. It's a small one story house. Children's toys litter the front yard- bikes, dolls, swings, balls, bats- and there is a newspaper and abandoned beer can on the front step.

I gaze at the house, and so does Amon, unblinkingly. It's a home. My house is great. It's big and grand and fancy, but it was never a home. There was never any toys in the front yard and our Dad never sat on the front step watching us while reading the sports section in the local paper. It was always a servent, and they stood quietly in the corner, like they didn't exist.

"He married about two years later and had about four kids with the woman. So, there are seven kids in there somewhere." he shakes his head lightly. "I don't think he'd even remember me."

I gaze at the house, when a shadow catches my eye past the car. They're having a BBQ out the back. All of a sudden the street isn't so quiet- I can hear they're kids yelling and laughing, the BBQ sizzling, music playing, adults laughing.

"They're out the back." I say to Amon, nudging his shoulder. I look up at him. "You could walk around there, you know. See him again. Maybe he'd be happy to see you, Amon. Maybe he'd introduce you to his kids. You could see your brother and sister again..."

I shrug at the idea, not sure of his reaction. Most people wouldn't want to do it, they'd just walk away. But Amon surprises me by nodding and walking forward, dragging me with him. "We'll try the front door first."

We stand in front of the door for ages, before Amon finally takes a deep breath and wraps his knuckles against the wood loudly. At first, nothing, then the door swings open, reveling a gorgeous blonde haired fifteen year old girl, whose blue eyes sparkle with amusement.

Her eyes land on me first, before they snap to Amon. He's staring at her, his eyes welling up with tears. It's his sister. They looks so alike.

"Hello?" She says, a confused expression on her face. She peers closer at Amon, probably recognising the similarities. Suddenly she gasps, her hand flying to her mouth. "Amon?"

He smiles brightly then, nodding his head. "Cat?"

She squeals and leaps at him, falling into his open arms. I'm practically crying as I stand there at the reunion. They're both holding each other, and I take a second to realise it would have to have been about 9 years since they're seen eachother.

Nine years is a long time.

"What are you doing here?" Cat cries, stepping back to look at him. She runs her hands over his shoulders and down his arms, her eyes never leaving his face.

"I was..." he shoots me a glance. "In the area."

Cat's eyes rest on me for a moment. She takes in my brownish- blonde hair (the dye kind of washed out a bit, giving it a bleach blonde look.) and my small smile, before smiling back. "Whose this?"

I shake her hand. "Grace. I'm a friend of Amon's."

Cat smiles, letting out another squeal. "Come in. Dad'll be so happy to see you! And so will Patty."

Amon's eyes go wide, and I take it that patty will be his little brother. As we make it up the hallway, pictures of kids going through school jump out at me- Cat in kindy, year one and so on. Another boy's face displayed exactly the same.

We take off our shoes at the enterence to the living room, sitting them with the pile of the others.

"DAD!" Cat screams, rushing out the door to leave Amon and I standing idly in the living room.

"Look!" I suddenly cry, gesturing to above the mantle piece. It's Amon. Amon when he was little (so cute), Amon in primary school, Amon in highschool. Amon at the beach, at a party, at a birthday. "He kept all these."

Amon shakes his head as he strokes the frames on one of the pictures. "No. He never had half of these. Benny's Dad must have sent them to him."

I nod happily. Amon's Dad will definatly want to see his son.

A Man wanders into the living room, Cat attatched to his side like she's been surgically put there, a little boy, about ten, holding her hand. And a black haired woman following behind them gracefully.

"Patrick?" Amon whispers, scooping up the little boy in his arms. The boy laughs, hugging his brother.

Patrick probably never even remembers Amon, but he laughs and cries anyway. Then the Man is in the middle of it all, and I can see where Amon gets his blonde hair from, and his chisled jaw line. They're all happy and laughing, but I can't watch it.

Instead, someone else has captured my attention. The woman with the black hair.

Her rosy lips shine as she smiles, her big green eyes open wide. And I realise... she's me. Only, twenty-something years older than me. We're twins. Her red dress fits firmly to her slim figure, and I watch her with amazment in my eyes.

I see her pushing a little black haired girl on the swing, see them buying icecream, see them at a school assembly, at an award cerimony, see them laughing at a play, see them eating dinner. I see that christmas before I turned eight- I see the tiny fingurine that she gave me.

I see my Mother.

I back away slightly, stunned, shocked and hurt all at once. I can't breath, I can't see, I can't do anything.

She's here, right in front of me. I shouldn't have come with Amon, I shouldn't be here.

But I can't stop the words as they slip out of my mouth, tumbling like an avalanch that can't be stopped.


My voice breaks through to them all, and the room goes silent, smiles dropping off their faces as we all turn to stares at the black haired woman.

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