Me vs Mr Hatcher

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So on Wednesday I go to school, get to my first lesson and everyone is acting too serious. I ask what is happening and someone said today was Hatcher Day.

Of all the days in the year, it has to be today because i have to go to football match tomorrow and if i get a detention today i wouldn't be allowed to play the match tomorrow because the detention would be tomorrow.

Its not that i am troublesome its just that Mr hatcher just like giving detentions on this very day and the thing is it is very easy to get a detention. Last year Freddie got a detention for smiling too much, Georgia got one got for bringing a drawing pencil instead of a writing pencil and Derek got one for being ill.

Minutes later Mr hatcher came in to the classroom and we all stood up. He had a guest with him so for period 1 we wouldn't get told off. YES. We are saved which means that i can go to my football match tomorrow. Also Mr Hatcher behaviour will change to because of the guest.

That's the thing with teachers though because whenever there is a guest in the classroom they go from some evil villain to a materially evil person trying to be nice

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That's the thing with teachers though because whenever there is a guest in the classroom they go from some evil villain to a materially evil person trying to be nice. Plus for your normal lessons they spend like 10 minutes planning but if there is a guest they spend 4 hours.

But you'll never guess what. That guest was Georgia's dad and he came to deliver something to Georgia And then he left.

I'm actually done with this stupid world. I try act as good as i can.

"Georgia that skirt is a millimetre too short, detention"

"Freddie your seat is not exactly in front of your table, detention"

"Can someone please tell Derek next period that he is getting a detention!"

Isaac has the audacity to ask why. Because we all know that Derek is on that special school Swimming competition.

" Isaac, detention. Derek is dodging school today as usual."

"Are you mad. In fact Mr hatcher you were the idiot who choose who should be on the stupid swimming team and now your saying that Derek is dodging school. Ate you out of your mind. Who gives two thirds about your logic. No one here has done anything wrong so stop giving detention for stupid reasons you idiot"

I realise i shouted that at the rip off my lungs. Goodbye football match. Hello detention. Everyone looks at me like im going to get in real trouble. But i don't care it had to be said.

Mr Hatcher got out a ruler. Oh shoot. I can't be spanked. But then the headmaster opens the door and we all stand up. Mr hatcher doesn't notice him and he comes up to my table and says. Today is your unlucky day boy.

Then the headmaster says "That is right Kimberly your gone."

We all laugh because Kimberly is first name. Kimberly leaves the room and says "i swear i will get revenge on you Andrews"

We am laugh again and i can't believe i am actually safe. But then the headmaster says "Andrew detention for throwing spitballs at Danielle yesterday."

That snitch!

That snitch!

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