I Just Want You For My Own (Christmas/ Synyster Gates)

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"Merry Christmas, man!" the last guest waved to Brian as he got into the car and drove off. 

Brian closed the door and sighed in happiness. Don't get him wrong, Brian liked to party like no one. But it was Christmas and he really wanted to keep the rest of the evening for himself and his closest ones. 

"That was one hell of a party, man!" Jimmy cheered, raising his red cup, filled with God knows what. The others soon joined in, raising their drinks in the air. 

"Well, you know what they say," Brian smirked. "The best parties happens at 'Casa De La Syn." he laughed, plopping on the couch, next to his girlfriend Michelle. 

"No shit, man!" Johhny agreed, gulping down his drink. Lacey quickly grabbed his cup, before the short man got ridiculously drunk and started to strip. 

"Anyways, we don't wanna bother you two on a Christmas evening, so we better roll." Matt said, standing up and stretching his muscles. The chorus of whines and groans echoed through the house, but they stood up nevertheless. 

"Can we stay?" Jimmy asked Brian, as he wrapped his arms around Leana, almost crushing the little woman. "We don't take much space! You can keep us in a closet." Jimmy tried to convince his best friend. 

"Sorry, Jim, no can do." Brian patted his shoulder, trying to keep a smirk forming on his face. Jimmy immediately turned around, pleadingly looking at Michelle. 

"Pretty pretty please?" he looked at her with a puppy dog look. But Michelle was used to this kind of Jimmy's secret weapon, so it didn't do any affection on her at all. 

Seeing, that he won't win anything, Jimmy sighed heavily and walked out of the living room into the hall, to get ready to leave. 

"Michelle, could you send off our beloved guests?" Brian asked his girlfriend, preparing himself for a mission impossible. 

"Sure, babe." she smiled at him and led the guys and girls through the front door, into the cool Californian night of Christmas. 

"We'll try to keep her as long as we can." Matt whispered to Brian and closed the door behind him, leaving Brian in a silent house. 

Brian didn't waste any precious time and started working immediately. He jogged into the kitchen, grabbing a trash bag and quickly gathering all the trash. When the first floor seemed tidy enough, he took out some candles and lit them up, putting them around the living room, making the house drown in a romantic atmosphere. 

He opened the liquor cabinet, taking out a expensive hispanic wine with two glasses and put them onto the coffee table. 

Brian wanted to do something special for Michelle on this Christmas evening. He couldn't recall the last proper Christmas they've spent together, only two of them. The guys either were partying or on the road, entertaining the kids. 

And he felt, that he needed to show his girlfriend how much she means to him and how much he loves her. And this plan, that Matt helped with, was exactly what Brian wanted. 

He backed away from the living room, putting hands on his hips, wearing a content smile. He just needed to get changed and that was it. He bolted up the stairs, barging into the bedroom, quickly dressing down and stuffing the clothes into the closet. He took out a new, black shirt, leaving couple of top buttons undone and rolling up his sleeves. He took out his favorite black jeans and put on only one belt. Checking himself out in the mirror, he made the last touch-ups and jogged down the stairs, just in time. 

Michelle waved one last time and closed the front door, sighing. This was a good Christmas party, but she wanted to have herself a peaceful celebration with Brian. She knew, that it was a tradition to throw these parties and, sometimes, she got really tired of those wild celebrations. 

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