Aye, Wuss good mama?

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After stepping inside your home, your parents greet you and you tell them about your day. You were gone all day, but your parents were totally chill. They're not like other parents that literally traps you home; They're super frickin CHILL dood.

"Oh? Did you make a friend already? Pft, that's my girl. You're too friendly." Your dad chuckles.

"Where do you think she gets it from?" Your mom eyes your dad with a weird smile.

"Not you!" Your dad suddenly bursts out laughing. His laugh is rather contagious, so you start to laugh and your mom covers her mouth giggling.

"Dad, really? Heheh." You catch your breath, "But anyway, his name is Sans, but he rather be called Fresh." You looked at the shades in your hand that he gave you earlier, "and he gave me these. I can already tell this is a start of a beautiful friendship." You showed them the shades.

"Or a relationship, herherher." Your mom wiggles her eyebrows at you.


"Is this his number?" She tilts the shades, revealing the smol numbers on the side.

"Well yea, but that doesn't mean he likes me or anything. I just met him, he gave me his number like any friend would." You blush.


"Mmmmhmmmmm, friend. "

"Mom, please." You snatch the shades from her hands and walk away, "good night!" You say.

"Night baby!" Your parents both said in sync.


You enter your new room. It's literally so damn perfect. The walls are painted the freshest shade of your (f/c), and the walls are decorated with your favorite band posters. It feels like your old room, almost like you never left it.

Your bed is queen sized, you have your own TV, and you even have your own bathroom in this room.

"Fuckin perfect." You walk into the bathroom to take a shower and shit. (No, not pooping.)

When you were done, you plop down on your bed and relaxed. You turn your head and see the sexy shades Fresh gave you on yo nightstand. You grab it, grab your phone as well, then dialed the number that was on the shades.

Usually, when you make the first phone call you should be nervous right?


You got this.

You already feel oddly close to this boy anyway.

After a couple of rings, he finally picks up. "Yo." You hear his dark smooth voice over the phone, which made you shiver.

Why is his voice so satisfying?

"Hey, it's (Y/n)." You feel yourself smiling.

"Oh, hey wuss good mama?" His voice suddenly sounds excited.

"Not much just took a shower, then I was like Yo, this would be the perfect time to call Fresh, so I did and here I am." You giggle, continuing the conversation so fucking normally dear jayzus.

After hours on the phone, it reached like 3 am. You didn't notice the time until now. "Fresh?"


"It's 3 am dude, aren't you tired?"

"Nah. Sleep is for the weak." He laughs.

You aren't sure if that's a Bring me the Horizon reference or nah. (If you know BMTH, I focking love you)

"But it's so late." You giggle.

"What, are you tired? Aye, if yuh tired you should sleep. I don't wanna keep you up."

"I'm not tired!" You lie... You liar you, get cho ass to sleep.

"You sure?"

"I'm not." You yawn and Fresh can freakin hear that.

"Liar, go to sleep. We got a big day tomorrow."

"Big day?"

"Yeh, I wanna take you to the dopest skate park in town."

You like the way he says dope. Like, a lot.

"Skate park?"

"Yeh." He laughs a little. "I'll pick you up around, hmmmm, 2."

"Okay sounds good. Well, I guess this is a good night." You sound kinda sad, you didn't want the phone call to end! 

But on the bright side, you'll see him tomorrow (well technically later today since it's 3 am), which is even better.

"Good night mama."

Click click

You also like how he calls you mama, lol, like a lot.


A/N: I'm having fun writing this stupid story. Do you Guys like it? Tell me what yuh think, boo. Peace 👌❤✌

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