Reuniting 1

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The above picture is of Ian Somerhalder and he is Damian Grey, Nancy's childhood friend.

{Nancy's- Point Of View}

It can't be him can it. I though to myself as my childhood friend Damien is standing here in my living room.

He has changed so much. Obviously he ain't that little 6 year old I used to play with in the woods. 

He is taller than me, I can tell he is fit from the way his black T-shirt stuck to his skin, and his voice is really deep and sexy.

"Damian, don't just stand there and welcome Nancy home your dummy!" My sister Lucy told Damian as she gave him a little push forward. Making him come out of his own little world.

He then started to walk towards were I was standing with my cousins Mary, and Mark. But never did he lose eye contact with me.

His blue-grayish eyes never leaving my brown ones for a second. As for me I felt being sucked in a world of memories of me and him when we were little.

When he was arms length I smiled at him and he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "Mi sei mancato." (I missed you) He whispered in my ear so only that I can hear. I smiled at this but I wasn't able to answer.

Since he wasn't letting go and the hug got tighter by the second. I started to have trouble breathing.

"'t...bre...ath..." I said pausing every time do to me not having enough air to create the complete sentence.

He then registered what I was telling him and his arms loosened around my body. "Sorry." He apologized, and then said, "I just can't believe your actually here after so many years." Smiling down at me as I smiled back.

A little later my aunt, uncles, and cousins started to leave except for my aunt Martha, uncle Matthew, Mary, Mark, little Lola and Damian stayed.

That's because they live with us now since my uncle lost his job and plus we have enough space in this house for all of us.

Well except for Damian he doesn't live here but he said he wanted to catch up with our life's. Especially since we haven't seen each other in over 18 years.

"So how are you feeling about being back home?" Damian questioned me bringing back my attention to him. "It's been a roller coaster ride of emotions, I've actually realized I miss Italy more than I thought I did." I said honestly.

After my replied he gave me a sexy chuckle and gave me a smile that made my stomach turn.

What the hell am I thinking, I mentally faced palmed myself. 'His your sexy looking best friend idiot.' A voice in my head answered.

"I honestly have to say Nancy you've changed a lot!" He exclaimed looking at me up an down.

"Oh really?" I questioned. "I can say the same for you too, your not the chubby little boy I used to beat at running in the woods." I half smiled and laughed as I told him this.

"Yeah, I've changed a lot if I say so myself." He paused before continuing. "Because now I'm hotter." He told me as a cocky smirk came across his plump lips.

What is happening to me. Damian is my best friend and nothing more. I reminded myself as the voice from earlier said,'You wish you were more than just friends though.'

'Shut up' I told the voice in my head who is coming up with these crazy things about me liking Damian. That is ridiculous right? I couldn't possibly like my best friend. Plus he probably has a girlfriend. He is hot I have to admit but I don't want anything with him. Or do I?

"Hellooooo?" Damian snapped his fingers in front of me as I realized that he was here.

After coming back to my senses Damien said, "I should probably leave."
As he was getting up from the couch saying, "Anyway, I have to meet someone on my way home."

"Plus it's getting pretty late." He said as he was already standing and started to walk toward the front door.

"Okay, I'll accompany you to the door." I hurriedly said as I also got up from the couch and lead the way towards the front door.

Before he was fully out the door. He turned back facing me and said, "I'll be back tomorrow, and one more thing...." He said getting closer to me and whispered in my ear. "Benvenuti a casa bella." (Welcome home beautiful).

I swear my face went flush red as those words left his mouth. "Ok..ay...I...I'" I managed to say as I stuttered with my words.

He then took a step back, looked at my flush face, and smirked at me.

"I honestly like that flushed face of yours bella." (Beautiful) He smirked as I flushed even more. I swear I felt like my entire body was on fire. My face probably looked more red than a tomatoe.

Then walked out the door as I stood frozen in place and watched his back retreat into the cold night.

After a couples second standing there I felt the cold wind brush against my body. Then realized I was still standing in the cold with the door opened.

Finally closing the door, locking it and turning off all the lights.

I headed toward my room where I found my luggage next to my bed.

I took out my pajamas then went to brush my teeth.

Crashing into the comfy king size bed, I stared up at the ceiling. Thinking of all the events that happened today. Graduated, got my diploma, being back home, seeing my family, meeting my sister, seeing Damian again. I really want to know what I will be facing tomorrow. I have a really good feeling about it as I started to doze off into a dream of colors.

Sorry I took a while to post this Chapter. I actually had it finished but I didn't have time to post it. I encourage you guys to keep reading it. Remember to comment, and vote please! Next chapter coming soon.

Yours truly,

~Amparo J. Aguilera

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