Welcome Home

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The Above Picture is of Nancy Castillo, her mom Laura Castillo and her dad Marco Castillo!

{Nancy Castillo's - Point of View}

Getting of the plane and walking out to the terminal, I kept following the baggage pick-up signs. I cannot believe I slept most of the flight; and now I am finally back home.

I finally reached the luggage area and scanned the band for my luggage.

"Aha!" I exclaimed as I see both, my big and medium, pink suitcases. I retrieved my luggage, I headed outside the terminal. It took me a few seconds to spot both my parents who were here to pick me up. There was not too many people and my parents were holding a sign that had my name on it. The sign said "Bienvenida" ( Welcome ) Nancy Castillo!" in the middle.

Quickly taking my luggage, I headed towards them with a huge smile on my face. "Mama, Papa!" I yelled as I continued my long walk towards them. They turned as I called them and I saw both began walking towards me.

My mother was wearing a beige sweatshirt, a red shirt with kaki pants and black shoes. As for my father he had on a red knitted sweatshirt, while the collar of his white shirt peaking at the top, black suit pants and black dress shoes.

Finally, as I reached them both, my father spoke "Hello Sweety, we've missed you!" as both my parents engulf me in a hug. "I've missed you too mom and dad!" I replied hugging them back and after a couple seconds pulling away to see them smiling. I smiled at this and said, "Vamos a casa"( Let's head home ) in Spanish.

Their smiled widen as they nodded and began to exit the airport towards my dads car. My father places my luggage in the trunk of the car, as my mother takes the passenger seat at the front, and I took the back seat. Dad finally gets inside the car and begins to drive home.

The car was silent for a few minutes as we exited the complicated roads of the airport. I looked out the window taking in every single aspect of the trees and the tall buildings of the city. "Enjoying the view sweety?" My mother asked. Keeping my gaze stuck outside the window "Sì!"( Yes ) I replied.

The car ride was pretty quiet except when my father pulled up into a drive way and said, "Bienvenida a casa mi princesa hermosa!"( Welcome home my beautiful princess ). That gave me a heart felt smile as I grinned like a little girl at my dad.

I turned my gazed to the house that I have not seen in years, I opened the car door and stepped outside, feeling the warm breeze of May. I just stood there in the drive way looking at the house I have missed so much.

Our home was located on the border between the end of the city and the country side

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Our home was located on the border between the end of the city and the country side. It was just perfect, I could jus......

"You coming sweety?" My mother asked interrupting my thoughts. I grinned at her, as I made my way towards the house following my mother as she had the keys to the door. My father came up behind me pulling my luggage.

Once my mom opened the door, I followed and was engulfed with the tropical scent of the air freshener that my mother loves to spray in the house during Summer time. I looked around and the house much had not changed much.

"Sweetheart why don't you take up Nancy's luggage up to her room." My mother told my father as she guided me towards the living room. The closer we got to the living room the more you could hear voices talking. I look towards my mom, but before I could say anything, she said,"Your aunts, uncles, and cousins wanted to be here for your arrival back to Spain." She beamed at me as we kept walking and I was getting more nervous.

Finally arriving at the living room my mother cleared her throat as my aunts, uncles, and cousins turn to look at my mother and me.

In less than a third of a minute I was being hugged by my mom's sister, aunt Alicia, uncle Roger, who are married; followed by their 10 year old daughter Malice and 7 year old son Tommy. I then got pulled into my dad's younger brother, uncle Francisco, and aunt Amy. They currently have a baby boy named Steven, who is only 5 months old. He was the cutest baby I have ever laid eyes on so far.

"Hola hermosa" (Hello beautiful) says my mom's eldest sister, aunt Martha as she hugged me extremely tight. "Hola tia Martha" (Hello aunt Martha).  She released me after it felt like an eternity being in her arms allowing me to breathe. "You look beautiful princesa" (Te miras hermosa princesa), she said as she eyed me up and down and then moved aside for my uncle Mathew, her husband, to greet me. Uncle Mathew and aunt Martha have 4 kids. My cousin Mary is the eldest; she is 22. Then follows her brother Mark who is 21, next is Michael who is 11, and lastly there is Lola who is only 5 years old.

"Hi Lola, do you reme...."

I felt someone wrapped their arms around my neck from behind causing me to be unable to finish speaking. I turned around in the embrace and saw a girl that looks a lot like me when I was younger. "Nancy you are back! I missed you so much big sis," said Lucy as she tighten her grip on me. "I missed you too Lucy," I replied. "Can you let go though...Your grip is a bit tight and it is making it... hard for me to breathe little sis." Lucy immediately loosens her grip on me and I can finally turn around and realized just how much she has grown. I almost teared up.

She smiled and I did the same hugging her tight. 

After finishing with all the greetings, hugs, and kisses on the cheek. I was a little exhausted to say the least, but I decided that it would be rude to not stay and catch up a little with my family.

I looked around the living room, my mom and my aunts were deep in conversation just like my dad with my uncles. The smaller kids were playing in the play room I used to play when I was younger. My sister, Mary, Mark, and I were discussing about hanging out tomorrow so that I can get a tour of the town since it all got remodeled while I was away. We were setting up a time that everyone could go when my aunt Martha interrupted our conversation.

"You finally achieved your goal and we are happy to have you back Nancy." Aunt Mary said smiling at me. "Yes, I have and I can't wait until I start working!" I exclaimed a little too loud that everyone started giggling at my excitement. I became a bit embarrassed and I probably had a bright hue of pink on both cheeks.

"Nancy is that you?" A deep voice asked from at other end of the living room and all of a sudden the room was dead silent. We all turned to see the person that was standing there. I looked at the person and he looked familiar, when my eyes widen as I realized it was him...

So here is Chapter 2. Sorry I took long to update but my schedule is a little busy and I just hope you guys enjoyed it!

Yours Truly,

~Amparo J. Aguilera

P. S. - I realized the description got fixed:)

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