Chapter three: The jump

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Disclaimer: all I own is Caitlin, the rest is Veronica Roth's

As we get outside, we don't stop running, the only difference this time is that I don't know where we're headed. Soon some of the Dauntless-born stop at the base of a train platform and start climbing up to the tracks. Following them is not easy. Every pull makes me want to cry out in pain, but I eventually I get there, and just in time as the train starts to pull in. Wait, why isn't it stopping? Oh no. We have to jump on. I start running towards the train and I manage to pull myself on with the help of a girl from Candor.

"Thanks." I pant.
"No problem, I'm Mia. What's your name." Oh gods, what do I say? If I say Caitlin she'll know who I am, I don't want to say Cait (pronounced Kate) because that's just for Tobi, and I don't want to not reply or I'll seem rude. I know! I'll use my middle name - Maddy
"I'm Maddy."
"Hmmm. You're hiding something, I can tell." Oh Styx! I forgot that Candor can tell when people are lying/hiding something! "But if that's what you want to be called, I'm not one to stop you." Huh, I always thought that the Candor are rude and don't care about what others think. I guess I was just stereotyping. We sit in silence for around half an hour before Mia notices some Dauntless born jumping out of the train. She grabs my hand and we jump. I only just make it onto the roof - one of my legs landed in thin air and I had to use all my strength to make sure I did not fall. Then a man steps onto a ledge at the edge of the roof.
"I'm Max and I'm one of your leaders here. Below us is the member's entrance to the compound. The only way to get there is to jump. If you can't, then you don't belong in Dauntless." He says. Everyone waits for someone to go first. No one does. "Well someone has to go first, who's it going to be?"
"Me." I say. I step up to the ledge. I jump.

I fly through the air for what seems like ages, but it's really only a few seconds, before I hit a net. It digs into the welts and cuts Marcus made last night and makes me want to cry in pain. A hand takes hold of mine and I flinch away. Don't blame me, it's an instinct! I'm pulled off the net by a young man who looks around 21. He looks SO much like Tobi. Same grip. Same hair. Same stance (well the one he used when Marcus wasn't around). Same nose. Same mouth. Same smile. When I notice his dark blue eyes, I have to look away and remind myself that he's not here, his in Erudite. He's in Erudite. He's in Erudite. "What, you get pushed?." He even sounds like Tobi.                                                          
"No. I jumped." I reply. He pauses, looking at my face almost as if he's in pain.                                                           
"Well, what's you name?"
"Maddy." A flash of disappointment comes and goes on his face. 
"First jumper, Maddy! Welcome to Dauntless." 

One by one all the other initiates jump down. There are only 10 of us transfers, me, Mia, five more from Candor, two from Erudite and one from Amity. When everyone has jumped and the Dauntless born have left, the man who welcomed me to Dauntless speaks up again "My name's Four and this is Tris." He says indicating the woman who did the choosing ceremony. "We'll be your instructors for the next few weeks." Then Mia asks                                                                                         
"Why is your name a number." She has a point, who would name their child a number?                  
"That's none of your business." Replies Four and Mia shuts up about it. We carry on following Four and Tris. Soon we stop at a large pit with shops and stuff. "This is the Pit, the centre of life here at Dauntless." The Pit. Such an original name.

Soon we reach a dormitory and, for the first time, Tris says something. "This is where you'll be sleeping for initiation."
"Boys or girls?" A girl from Erudite asks.
"Both." Says Four.
"Some ground rules: training begins at eight, ends at six with a break at lunch. You must be back in the dorm by eleven. You can do anything you want between six and eleven. You may not leave the compound unless you are accompanied by a member of Dauntless." Tris tells us. Seems easy enough. Then Four pulls out a bunch of cards and hands them to Tris, who gives them out.
"These are your point cards. At the moment they have about 500 points on them. You need the card to buy things like snacks and clothes. You can also get tattoos and piercings with them. At the end of initiation you will be given a job and you will receive points for work." Four tells us in a monotone, like he has said this loads of times, either that or he's trying to make us think he's a robot. "Clothes are in a box under your beds. There are also boxes for the girls. I don't think I need to tell you what's inside. Get changed and then burn your old clothes." And with that Four and Tris leave.

Four/Tobias POV

I give Tris one last kiss before we get ready to see a blur of black fall, knowing we can't let our relationship interfere with training.
"Any minute now." I tell Tris.
"Ten points it's a Dauntless born." I knew she'd say that. She said it last year. And the year before. And each time I accepted and lost ten points.
"Your on." I smile. Just as I walk up to the net to greet a Dauntless born who I don't know, a blur of grey falls onto the net with a gasp. Yes! Ten points to me. Wait. What on earth just happened????!!!! An Abnegation. First jumper. That's only ever happened once before. Ever. I reach over and pull her off the net and ask the same thing I asked to Tris.
"What, you get pushed?"
"No, I jumped." She replies. I take a look at her face. She looks SO much like Cait. Same grip. Same hair. Same stance (well the one she used when Marcus wasn't around). Same nose. Same mouth. Same smile. Maybe it is her.
"Well, what's your name?" Please be her. Please be her. Please be her.
"Maddy." I shove down my disappointment and make the announcement.
"First jumper, Maddy! Welcome to Dauntless.

I watch all the other jumpers because maybe, just maybe, Cait is there. There are no other Abnegation. No no NO!!!!

Well that's all for now BYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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