chapter one ;;

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If there was one thing Hojoon cared about more than anything, it was Sehyuk. Sure, Hojoon cared about the other members as much as they cared about him, but there was something special about Sehyuk.

Maybe it was his kind heart. Or his soft personality. Or the way he made Hojoon feel. Either way, Hojoon cared. He cared a lot.

He didn't want to call this feeling 'love', but it was probably something along those lines. His heart would race just by looking at him. He'd get shy and stumble over his words when talking to him. He would blush when Sehyuk would compliment his hair or his outfits.

Okay, so maybe Hojoon loved Sehyuk a little bit. But nothing more.

Maybe Hojoon loved him because Sehyuk could tell what was wrong just by looking at him. It was as if he could read his mind. Whatever superpower he had, Sehyuk could always take whatever was making Hojoon feel bad and make him feel better.

Like now.

Hojoon stood in his dorm room, in front of their full body mirror. He studied his reflection, reaching up and running his hand through his hair. The other members had went out, to his understanding, most likely to head around the town to appease their newfound obsession with Pokèmon Go. Didn't matter to Hojoon; he had the dorm all to himself.

A little known fact about Hojoon; he liked to wear girl's clothes. It was always in secret, because he knew the other members would make fun of him, or call him a freak for liking that sort of thing. But none the less, Hojoon liked girl's clothes.

As he looked in the mirror, he wished he was wearing a pretty, pink skirt instead of his bland and grey sweatpants. He wished he was wearing a fluffy sweater instead of his plain tee shirt.

His reflection just looked... wrong to him. It didn't fit. It wasn't Hojoon. He wasn't happy with the way he looked.

Hojoon could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. He hated crying. He hated being upset over this. But he was. He just wanted to feel comfortable. And to be happy.

Hojoon reached up to wipe the tears away, plopping down in front of the mirror. He failed to hear the front door open.

Hojoon sat a while longer, just staring blankly at his reflection, his dull, boring reflection, until he heard a soft, "Hojoon?"

The boy jumped, startled, and whirled around to look at the pink-haired man standing in the doorway. Sehyuk looked at him, a concerned look on his face.

That look wasn't the same as Sehyuk smiling face.

"Yes, hyung?" Hojoon asked, his voice cracking.

Sehyuk knew something was wrong. It was his superpower after all. He walked over, sitting down beside Hojoon.

"What's wrong, Joonie?" Sehyuk asked softly, rubbing his back. Hojoon let out a soft sigh.

Sehyuk's touch always made him feel a bit better. Hojoon looked over to his hyung, and bit his lip. "Well, I just..."

Hojoon wanted to tell him. He wanted to tell Sehyuk how he felt. He wanted to so desperately. Maybe his hyung would understand, and accept him? Love him back?

That's when reality came crashing back down on him. He knew what was really going to happen. He would tell his hyung how he felt, and his hyung wouldn't know how to handle it. Probably be awkward to him after that, or be disgusted in Hojoon.

Hojoon didn't want that to happen.

"It's nothing." He replied, forcing a smile onto his lips. "Just a bit emotionally. Hard to believe we've been a group for so long, and we're finally getting a vacation."

Yes, in fact, the group was getting a vacation. They were supposed to be going to a nice resort to relax and enjoy themselves for the hard work they've been doing these past three years. But, it was hard for Sehyuk to see how that could upset Hojoon.

Sehyuk furrowed his brows. Something about Hojoon seemed off. He clearly was pained about something. "Are you sur-"

"When are the other members coming back?" Hojoon cut Sehyuk off, and he frowned a bit. Something was definantly wrong, but he decided not to pressure Hojoon into telling.

"They decided to head to the park; trying tp hatch some eggs or something." Sehyuk shrugged, and stood up. "Why don't we watch a movie while we wait for them?"

Sehyuk flashed a warm and tender smile, and Hojoon practically melted. Sehyuk's smiles were the best. He nodded eagerly, taking his outstretched hand and rising from the floor.

"Sure." Hojoon smiled shyly, and Sehyuk chuckled, seeing as he was back to his normal self, and lead him back to the living room.

The two decided to watch Coraline, and situated themselves comfortably on the couch.

Hojoon rested his head on Sehyuk's shoulder casually, and they watched the movie together, both of them falling asleep before the movie's end.

Sorry for the crappy asf first chapter, I literally wrote this in under two hours. I feel like the book is kinda swaying from the original plot, but I'll bring it back. Please vote and comment, I'd love to get some feedback on this new idea

oh and also, i start high school in a week uGh so my updates and stuff will be a wreck.
-   max

Dogg on Topp { P-Joon / Park Sehyuk x Jeon Hojoon / ToppDogg fanfic }حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن