"Grace! Beautiful name for a beautiful young lady, I'm Mrs.Carson. Now, tell me, Grace, where are you living? Have you eaten something?" She asked.

"I'm currently living at a my boyfriends house, and yeah they give me food and everything, but I just didn't want to do my laundry there because I feel like I already have bothered him and his family enough" I sighed as I looked down at my hands.

"How did you got to this point?" She asked.

"It's a really long story, Mrs.Carson"

"I have time darling" she answered. I looked up to see her smile. I wish I had her as a grandma.

"Everything started going more down than ever when I met this boys named Chris..." I started off, it took me about an hour to explain her correctly all the story, she would ask things she didn't understood and I tried to explain myself better each time. At the end she was kind of confused.

"You've had it hard darling" she finally said, I chuckled.

"I know, Mrs.Carson. Sometimes I just wanted to give up, but sometimes I would think, what if it gets better in the future? I had to live by thy motor even though sometimes I would get tired of it, but at the end I wasn't wrong. It's slowly getting better" I smiled and she did as well.

"Just remember darling, God gives the worse battles to the strongest fighters, you certainly are one" she said. Why can't I not have her as a grandmother? After another hour of talking, she told me to put my phone in hers so I could call her any time I felt bad or I had to do my laundry, she said she only knew how to pick up the calls and how to call people, and even though I offered to show her how to text, she insisted that she was fine with only knowing those two things.

I have her a hug as I said goodbye, and with that walked back to Chris' house were thankfully no one had arrived. As I entered, I went to the guests room and placed my clean cloth in the closet leaving the suitcase at the side. When I was done, I placed my straight hair in a ponytail and went upstairs to start doing the chores and make the house look cleaner than it already was. First I cleaned the kitchen and the dining room, putting all the dirty dishes in the sink and each thing in the place it was supposed to be; once I was done with the dishes, I dried them and placed them in their place. Afterwards, I went to the living room and organised the couch, placed the cushions in a nice way and cleaned the little coffee table at the centre, when I was done there, I went ahead and continued with the floors.

"I'm home Grace!" I could hear Chris exclaimed, I quickly placed the mop back in its place, luckily I could actually finish with it. I could hear the door close, I ran to the door to see Chris closing it and afterwards placing the key in the key hanger. He turned around and I finally met his face, he looked a bit tired, but it's totally understandable, I can't imagine how hard they work in their songs. I started walking towards him and gave him a tight hug as a welcoming, yet he didn't really seem to want to let go.

"Hey! How was your day?" I asked with a smile when he let go of my. He smiled back and ran a hand through his hair.

"It was great! I had so much fun writing new songs, just hope the fans like them" he said as he placed an arm around my shoulders and started walking towards the kitchen.

"I'm pretty sure they will" I answered.

"It looks really nice" he said as he looked around.

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