.33. Final Chapter.

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There she was, her beautiful brown eyes closed, her skin that once was full of life, pale. Her almost lifeless hand between mine. She's almost like an angel.

She's been in a coma for four months since she got hit by the car. It's been four months since I last could hear her voice, and I regret so much not chasing after her, letting her go that easily. I remember her nose was bleeding and her last words spoken to me, 'Chris leave me alone' 'I'm sorry'. I am the one who's sorry. I am the one who should've never let you go in first place if I knew you weren't okay.

The same nightmares have been bugging me every day, of how she crossed the road and the car hit her, since then, I'm still here. Waiting to see her beautiful brown eyes alive, but as the days go by, the faith I have lowers even though a big part of me still hopes she will wake up.

I have never let her side since then, I've sang her songs, I've talked to her and I've cried for her. The only reasons I've left her side it's because of school and tour, but other than that, I spend all the time I can here by her side, with all the hopes that one of these days her eyes will open.

I've dedicated her concerts, I've tweeted at my fans to send positive vibes and prayers to her, I've tried to do whatever it's in my hands for her to wake up, but so far, nothing it's working. She's the same as she was four months ago, she hasn't moved a finger, or gave signals that she's still alive other than the heart beat monitor that's still running, and maybe it's just me, but it's slower every day.

"Chris, don't cry" my mum said as she gave me a side hug.

"I want her to wake up, mum" I answered as I cleaned away my tears.

"She will wake up, Chris. Just keep thinking positive" my mum said whilst she still had me in her arms.

"It's been four months, mum. How am I gonna stay positive? I'm scared of losing her." I answered as more tears came out, at this point, it was useless cleaning the tears away.

"That won't happen, Chris. She's gonna fight" my mum said as her voice cracked.

"I don't want to lose her. She's everything to me mum" I cried as I continued to hold Grace's hand. My mum didn't answer, I knew she was just trying to keep me positive, but how is it going to work if she's not positive herself? The only positive person out of all of us, it's Georgia. After all these months she's still positive her best friend will wake up, and even though their squad hasn't been the same since Grace has been in the coma, they all always try to bring something that reminds them of her, Ethan, Jakob and I have been hanging with them often, either here in the hospital or at the school, and every time they see pizza they always start crying and thinking of Grace. At first I was confused, until they finally explained that everyone in their squad had food names and Greace's was pizza. Same when it comes to Shawn Mendes, he's Grace's favourite singer, the guys and I covered 'Treat You Better' in one of our concerts in honour of her.

I've spent most of my days sitting in this chair and staring at her, but I don't mind, she's beautiful.

"I'm going for a coffee, Chris. Do you want something?" My mum asked as she cleaned away her tears and stood up.

"No thank you mum, I'm alright" I answered, she nodded and with that left me alone in the room with Grace. It was so silent and filled with tons of different flowers the BCS, The guys, the teachers from school and I have been buying. We really need her.

It was horrible having to spend Christmas and New Years knowing she was here, unconscious, it didn't felt good celebrating, there was nothing to be happy of. In one meet up we had here in Sydney, a girl came and gave me a letter and told me her little sister wrote it, as always I opened it when I got home, it read:

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