Turnabout From the Sky, Part 20 (Sora) FINAL

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Instantly after court got out, I ran to Ghastly and Nevada. I pulled them into a tight hug. "I missed you guys so much! I can't believe I'm finally back to you! I missed you guys so much!" I paused. "I just repeated what I said, right...? I don't remember. Too excited for this happy situation!"

"I missed you more," Ghastly said with a smile. He didn't t even mind that I was repeating myself. He's just that nice of a boyfriend... Even if I repeat myself, he's just fine with it.

"I missed you even more than that, Mama," Nevada said shyly. She hugged me back. "Sorry I didn't kill your dad. I didn't realize he was that bad until he was too late."

"It's okay. But technically... You could have killed him if you wanted because your MO states that you have to kill criminals only," I realized.

"I'll have my day with another criminal," she assured me, but I could still tell that it was bothering her. She wasn't one of those people to just 'forget' about a missed opportunity to do in a criminal. I felt kind of bad that she didn't get the chance, but I was also relieved because she wouldn't get into trouble this way.

"Is there anything important that you want to tell me?" Ghastly asked. "You know... We've been absent from one another's lives for about two months, so there has to be some huge news that you have in store for us."

I gasped as a thought sprang to mind. "I actually do have something to tell you," I recalled. "Remember that one time before I got attacked where we were home alone?"

"Uh... Yeah," Ghastly began. "What about it?"

"I wasn't able to tell you then, but... Our family is going to be expanding soon," I told him.

"It is?" he asked in shock. "Are we going to be adopting another kid? Did a new young prosecutor appear at the PO for us to take in?"

I shook my head. "It's much bigger than that... Two times bigger, actually." I took a deep breath before letting the news tumble out of my mouth. "I'm two months and a half months pregnant with twins."

Ghastly and Nevada let out gasps in sync. "Wait... So I'm getting new little siblings?!" Nevada cried. "I can't believe this! I've always wanted to get a little sibling! I'm really getting two of them?! That's even better!"

Ghastly placed his hand down on my stomach. "Two little lives growing inside of my favorite wife... I can't believe it," he smiled. "I didn't expect this of all things, but I'm pleasantly surprised, I must admit."

"Soon, we'll have three adorable little children. Isn't that the best?" I smiled. "I can't wait for them to come... And maybe I'll avoid getting arrested between now and when the twins are born."

"I wouldn't bet money on it," Ghastly joked. He laughed lightheartedly at his joke. I must admit that I agreed, but I didn't openly voice it. Instead, I started laughing along with him. Nevada joined in not long after.

I love our happy little family... How much better could things get? I'm not sure, actually. I don't think that they could get much better. Maybe I could get the entire family together for a family picture... I'm sure that getting one of those would make me feel really good about life.

"I'm really happy about all of this," Nevada beamed. "I love them so much already! How long until we find out if they're boys or girls?! I want to know how I should decorate their rooms!"

"We'll all be decorating together as a happy family. But you might have to baby sit, Nevada," I told her.

Nevada shrugged. "I bet that Chrysalis will help out. Mainly since I don't know anything about babies other than their skin is really soft."

"Have you ever even seen a baby...?" Ghastly asked. He frowned.

"As much as I hate to admit it... Nope," Nevada replied sheepishly. "I've only seen a few pictures online. Vinnie likes to go online and generate weird pictures about what our love child would look like. It's pretty creepy... And I don't think it counts because it's internet generated."

"I don't think it counts either... So I'll just have to show you all of Cotoli and Chrysalis' embarrassing baby pictures so that you know what the look like! Maybe I even have some of Ghastly!" I cried.

Ghastly gasped, his eyes going wide. "You had better not find my baby pictures... I don't want to see her reaction to what my mother calls 'a cute toosh'," he whispered. I burst into laughter. I had never met his mother, but now, I wanted to more than anything.

"Why haven't we ever met your mother?" Nevada asked, taking the words right out of my mouth. Impressive that she actually knew what I was going to say...

"She's... Not the best when it comes to parenting, believe it or not," Ghastly answered simply. "Let's stop talking about her so that we can enjoy this happy moment all together as a family. I missed having these moments while you were gone, Sora."

"I bet that I missed them more," I told him.

"Why do you guys always turn everything into a competition? I don't understand. Is it a couple thing?" Nevada asked.

"Pretty much. Doesn't this happen with Chrysalis?" I questioned.

Nevada shrugged. "Sometimes, but we don't get this way over everything."

"Maybe it's a married couple thing," I suggested cheerfully. Nevada giggled. She always got excited when Ghastly and I talked about being married. Probably because she had a decent and united family for the first time in her entire life.

I picked up my wonderful daughter and let Ghastly kiss me on the cheek. "Let's all go home. I'm exhausted," I suggested.

Nevada smiled at me happily. "Okay! Let's all stay together for the first time in forever!" she exclaimed.

And with that, we all went for the car. I couldn't believe that this was all happening after all this time...

Today was officially the best day ever.




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