Chapter 4 Secrets and answers

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Lunran POV

"Hello my name is Splinter.How have you been Lunran."Splinter said to me."How do you know my name.""well let me tell you how I know you're name.long ago I had a wife, and 4 daughters.You are one of my daughters that I had lost in a fire.I lost my wife your mother you and your sisters.Then I came here to New York I turned into this."He gestured to himself."found your bothers turtles.Now we are here.Where are your sisters."He all said to me.

He told me the story of my life that I had been waiting for this story to my life where has this been."I have no clue."

Jamie POV

Where in the hell did Lunran go now."Abby have you found where Lunran whent."

"No I haven't yet.Emma what are you doing?"They both looked over at the girl that was laying on the floor with a big stuffed animal.Jamie and Abby had a face like '-_- or like what the'."Nothing"Emma said as she got up off the ground.

Then my phone starts ringing.I look down and it is Luran calling.

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