Chapter Thirteen ~ Jealousy

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Are you high enough without the
Mary Jane like me?
Do you tear yourself apart to entertain
like me?
Do the people whisper 'bout you on the
train like me?
Saying that you shouldn't waste your
pretty face like me?

Some sensitive content is included in this chapter, don't read if you don't want to :)

"You ready to meet the boys?"'Dougie asks as I nod slowly, slightly nervous. I mean they seem like genuine guys, Dougie does talk about them a lot. 

He guides me into the house that he's staying in with them, "this is the house" He smiles. 

"It's nice" I look around, smiling.

"Doug? Is that you?" I hear somebody ask. 

"Yeah Danny, I've got someone with me" Dougie calls back smiling. 

A boy with long hair that rests on his head and just beside his eyes comes around the corner. 

"Ah this must be the famous Eve" He smiles. "I'm Danny, it's nice to meet ya" He pulls me into a hug as I hug back. 

He was ..... Damn, that's all I had to say. "Nice to meet you" I smile back.

 "Ooooooo who's this!!" I hear a voice squeal from behind Danny. 

"This is my sister Eve, Eve this is Tom and Harry" My brother introduces us. 

"Hi" I wave shyly. "She's so cute!!" They both exclaim, rushing over pulling me into a hug. I laugh. I know I'll get on with these boys just fine.

I laugh shaking my head, those boys I'll tell you.

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Eve, happy birthday to youuuuu" My family sing, along with the boys but they count as family. 

I have known them for three years now. 

"Our presents outside" Harry smiles as I grin excitedly. Tom wraps a blindfold around my eyes, as I feel somebody put their hands on my shoulder. 

"Trust me Evie?" I hear Danny ask. 

"Let me get back to you on that" I say jokingly. 

"Cheeky bugger" He laughs. 

"What you waiting on Danny boy? I wanna see my present!" I smirk. 

He chuckles as he guides me to what I hope is the front door. 

"On three, two, one, now!" Dougie exclaims. 

I rip off the blindfold rather roughly only to see a car with a massive blue ribbon on it.

 I scream out in shock and very happily may I add as I run over to the beautiful car. No way. My own fucking car!!!

This is my baby. No fucking way did they do this for me.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you" I pull them into a massive group hug. "I literally love you all I swear" I grin, as I run back over to my car, and gush over it. "This is beautiful"

Miss Poynter {Danny Jones}Where stories live. Discover now