Chapter Twelve ~ Sightseeing

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I was there for you,
In your darkest times,
I was there for you,
In your darkest nights,
But I wonder where were you?
When I was at my worst,
Down on my knees,
And you said you had my back,
So I wonder where were you?
When all the roads you took came back
to me.

As soon as me and Dougie get into our hotel room. I jump on my bed and immediately fall into a deep slumber, missing the planned dinner.


"Eve, it's time to get up, we're going sightseeing" Dougie whispers as I groan, opening my eyes. 

"At this time?" I whine, rubbing my eyes. 

"Yeah, come on kiddo, take a shower and change, I'll meet you in the lobby with the gang" Shit.

 I'll have to see Danny. I remember everything that happened yesterday. I'm such an idiot. I really am. It's always my fault. I need to snap out of this.

Why was I such a childish psycho bitch?

Oh I know.... like mother like daughter.

I nod as he smiles, kissing my forehead before he leaving the room.

 I manage to get up and walk into the bathroom, I jump into a quick shower and then get out, changing into my loose white crop top along with a pair of leggings and my flip flops. Ew my thighs look massive. I'll just place a bag over. I comb my hair, brush my teeth, quickly use the toilet, wash my hands, and grab my bag, placing it so it'll cover the top of my thighs. I throw my hair into a high pony, forgetting about makeup.

"Hey" Izzy smiles, hugging me tightly. 

"Hiya" I manage to return.

"You okay after yesterday? You didn't seem yourself" She questions concerned. 

"Yeah, mood swings" I roll my eyes as she laughs.

"I'm starving" Harry whines.

"Raisins won't fill you up Hazza" I chuckle.

He gives me the finger in response.

"I could really do with a bacon roll right now" I speak up as Gi jumps in her seat.

"Yes! Let's go find one!" She grabs me by the arm and drags me out the lobby. 

We go to the shop next door and notice bacon cooking.

"You get the bacon, I'll get the rolls" I instruct as she nods, dashing into the line. I laugh, as I look around for rolls. Ew raisin rolls . That's like Harry's wet dream.

"Aha!" I exclaim as I spot the White morning rolls.


Me and Gi walk back into the hotel, our stomachs full.

"Where's the bacon rolls?" Tom asks, noticing we aren't carrying any.

"Oh... You wanted some?" I question wearily, knowing Gi and I had just scoffed about three each.

"Uh yeah" He nods, I look at Gi as she looks at me. We both burst out laughing as the boys shake their heads, smiling. 

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