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Adrienne, Fourth of July

I rolled over and stretched out before getting mad about last night all over again. I groaned before forcing myself off the bed and to the bathroom. I used it before brushing my teeth and going to the kitchen.

I opened the freezer and pulled out the waffles before popping them in the toaster. I leaned over the counter while I checked my snapchat. Me being the nice person I am I watched all 109 of them. Well okay I super tapped through a few but I mostly watched them except for Cj' s and Jays of course.

My waffles popped up and I happily poured whipped cream then syrup over all 4 of them before sitting on the couch to watch tv.

The doorbell rang and I ignored it until it rang again. I sighed but got up and went to the door anyway. I stood on my tippy toes to see who it was. Of course it was Jay so I ignored it. He rang the bell again before making a beat on the door.

"I know you hear me Adrienne so open the door"

I didn't reply but he had more to say so I stood there.

"I wanna talk to you before Cj does"

Well I don't wanna talk to either one of you.

"I'm sorry for tripping last night but I was worried especially since you always text me back or call me back even before Cj"

I do but it's nothing personal to Cj she just usually has something to say about Keem and i don't always wanna talk about him, ya know?

"Can you open the door now my bestest best friend?"

"Don't try to sugar me up"

"It's butter not sugar"

"But butter isn't sweet that'd make no sense"

"See you need me. I'll get you food"

"Tempting but no"

"I'll cook for you"

"Oka- wait no. No stop buttering me up with food"

"Oh now you say it right? Fine how about" he stopped to think. "I'll give you one of my awesome hugs and we'll have a normal conversation?"

I bit the inside of my cheek. "What makes you think I want one of your hugs?"

"You love my hugs"

"I've never said that"

"You don't need to i just know it"

I rolled my eyes before just opening the door. "I only opened it because I'm tired of standing here but I'm too nice to just leave you here as well"

He walked in and locked the door behind himself before walking us to the living room.

I shrugged his hands off me before sitting and crossing my legs. "Speak You nerd"

"Nerd? But okay so what'd you do while I was with Jessie?"

"I went to see Jordan because I didn't want to be home alone for hours"

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