Eight | Private

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Unknown: Hello, is this Miss Sarah Parsons? From the hit TV show The Vampire Diaries?

Yes, it is Sarah Parsons. Who is typing?

Unknown: My name is Robert Singer. I am a director for another TV show. 

Hello Robert! How is everything?

Unknown: I am well, thanks! Yourself?

I'm good, very well thank you.

Robert Singer: That's great to hear! I spoke to your agent earlier.

You did?

Robert Singer: Yes, I did, and I discussed a potential role in the TV show for you. A female character. 

Oh, that's great news to me!

Robert Singer: We have been talking with the cast and other directors, and have decided that you have been chosen as the new character for the next episode. Others have been chosen too, so give it your best shot. 

 I will Robert. Thank you for the opportunity.

Robert Singer: You're welcome. I will send you a page to get ready for and you may improvise! 

Thanks once again, I shall get right on it. 

Robert Singer: Have a good day, and we hope to see you for the audition in a few days. On the 15th June at 11am. Details will be sent via email also!

I will keep an eye out, thanks! I cannot wait for this audition. 

Robert Singer: We look forward to seeing you! 

Goodbye Mr Singer.

Robert Singer: Goodbye Miss Parsons.

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