1~New Beginings

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Every demon is in human form!!! Including Bill!
M a b e l ~ M a b e l l a
I stared out of the window with glee, looking out onto the world of tiny meat sticks.
Earth was ours and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it!
I laughed as I watched Billie-Boo make himself into a giant and terrorize New York. He was so cute!
Suddenly something dangled in front of my eyes and my mood sobered.
It was my silver shooting star necklace. I placed the small pendant in my palm and stroked it. It was so plain I should have thrown it out ages ago but something wouldn't let me. Bill even said I should throw it out, but I just can't.
I turned away from the window and caught myself in the mirror. I was wearing a long gold dress with long sleeves and a very fancy head piece was laced in my long brown hair(a/n pic above). Very casual.
Forcing myself away from the mirror I went and sat the lounge chair. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a book lying on the table across the room. Using my levitation power I brought it over to my lap. It was a red journal with a gold six fingered hand on the cover and a three drawn inside of it neatly.
How strange. I don't remember Bill having this.
I opened up the book.
"It's hard to believe it's been six years since I started recording the strange and wondrous creatures of Gravity Fall, Oregon." I read aloud.
Where have I heard that name before and why does it sound so familiar. I became frantic and began flipping the pages not even knowing what I was looking for.
Then I saw it.
It was a wheel with a triangle in the middle, but that wasn't what caught my eye. It was the shooting star on the side of the wheel.
The one that looked exactly like mine. 
"Oh Mabella....." I heard Bills voice call from the hall outside. My thoughts spiraled out of control, panic laced into many.
Hide the book!
Why are you afraid of Bill? He loves you.
Just pretend you never saw it. It's stupid and doesn't have anything to do with you.
This holds some sort of key to your past!
"Stop!" I snapped at them. I could hear his foot steps climbing up the stairs. Frantically I ripped the page out of the book and stuffed it in my pocket. I dashed over to the table where I first saw the book, placed it down and ran back, trying to look natural.
Just in time to because just as I sat down Bill burst into the room and I was overwhelmed with love for him.
"Hey babe." I welcomed, getting up and embracing him.
He stroked my hair lovingly and I asked him how everything was.
"That pesky Alcor is getting out of control!" He moaned, flopping down on the bed. Ah Alcor, the biggest most annoying thorn anyone could have in their side.
I had only met him once and after that I knew I hated him. He was dark and powerful and downright sneaky. Bill would never really tell me much about him but I did know that Bill created him and Alcor was technically his younger brother.
I laid down next to him and curled in close. I always felt so protected around him. Like nothing can touch me, I'm perfectly safe.
"Go to sleep, my beautiful Nightmare." He whispered softly.
I obeyed and slowly closed my eyes and fell into a troubled sleep.

Sorry it sucks

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