It Almost Happened

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                                                               Ashanti's POV

OMG he was about to fuck me. Im shaking because who knows what he would have done to my body. He was so aggressive and smooth at the same time. It was so sexy and a huge turn on. Damn. Why did my parents choose to come now. Right when he was about to go in on me. 

*hears the door open*

Me-Did you kids have fun?

Mom-Yeah. The food was great. 

StepDad-The cheese cake there is the best. We should go there again on our next date night!

Mom-We should well im tired.. My feet hurt like hell.

Me-Okay.. Good night mommy. 

*they walk up staires*

Me-AYE no bed shakin.. im scared for life already. 

Mom-There wont be. Promise... Im too tired for all that 

StepDad-But im not 

Mom-Well thats your problem

Damn im tired too. I wonder how jaden is. He hasnt texted me yet. Thats suprising. Hes either high as fuck or sleep. Yeah i know my Jaden like that. Me and him always talk. I cant tell him what happened though. 

He would be so mad at me. 

At the fact that i was about to let another nigga hit and not him. My best friend. The guys thats been there for my ups ad downs. I love him to death. 

If i were to tell him he would probably have this face -_____________- and say: I cant believe you. You gon let another nigga hit. Esecially him!!! The nigga that always bullies you and calles you bitches and hoes all the time. 

And he'd be right. I know he loves me. And he has been trying to get with me for the longest. But it wouldnt even just be sex 

It would be love. 

I mean not to say i wouldnt fuck Jaden. Id fuck the shit out him.Hes sexy as all hell!!!!!!!!!

But i honestly dont know what i was thinking. Letting Chresanto almost fuck my brains out! its like he puts a spell on me. Evey time i see him. I get in a daze. I do what he says and when he says it. Thats bad because that means id be willing to hurt Jaden for just a quick good fuck. I wasnt in my right mind. 

But that will never happen. I love that dude so much. Even though it almost happened.

But to be honest almost doesnt count. I mean i guess. I feel so bad. Im discusted with myself. Ugh. 

Im tired anyway. 

*I walk to my bed room. Take my cloths off. Puts on a big Bull's shirt on, Gets into bed goes to sleep.* 


ummmm yeah comment plz i really want reedback. Tell me if i should describe the dream that Ashanti has. Also tell me if i should add Ace Primo into the story....

Hes so sexy! Oh GAWD.

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