12. Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Start from the beginning

"Ooh. Was it a guy?" I didn't answer. The bartender gleamed which made the piercing on her lower lip move a little. "Nothing stupid about it hon, it took me a month to get over my last boyfriend."

"Did it feel like forever?"

"It did."

She then placed a glass cocktail in front of me. I tried it and it tasted good.

"Thanks. What do you call this?"

"Brass Monkey, it's on the house..." I was taken aback by the bartender's generosity. I said a soft thank you. She went to serve drinks to the other customers then returned. "..you looked distraught the minute you walked in. If you ever need to talk, I'm here. My name's Jen."

"I'm Emilia, and thank you. I appreciate it a lot, Jen." I began to share some details about my break up with Steven. I mentioned no names, I just referred to him as "a famous personality like a rock star".

Jen shrugged, "I don't mean to judge but most of them rock stars are all ladies' man. They think they have too many "options", they just can't stick to one."

"Amen to that," I said and I drank my cocktail in one swig. The rum was strong but the orange juice took away the bitterness. It was good. It was very nice talking to Jen. Honestly, she was the first one I opened up to in days.

The man beside me left and a blonde man with a lion-like hair, red bandana headband and black leather vest took his place. He just looked like my dream boy, Jon Bon Jovi. The look-alike and Jen seemed to be acquainted for she knew what poison to give him.

"Here you go, Sychak," Jen said, giving him an entire bottle of Captain Morgan.

"Thanks Jen," this "Sychak" guy said. I couldn't get my eyes off him, his face was beautiful, I could just compare it with a barbie doll's. His smile was every school girl's dream. Our eyes met and I silently panicked.

But instead of turning away, I told him, "Is Bon Jovi your twin? You sure look a lot like him."

He chuckled and said, "You think so? I think I'm a little hotter than him."

"Maybe." I giggled. He's beautiful and cocky...the traits of your typical rock star. "I've never seen him in person really."

"Baby, you don't need to see him when you've got me," he grinned while pouring himself a glass. "Drink with me?"

"Yeah. Why not?"

He asked Jen for another glass. We drank together, me in my super-slow pace. I could feel the hot touch of the  liquor run down my throat.

"If you want anything, just say so. It's on me." He told me before turning to Jen. "Can you put everything she ordered on my tab?"

"Hey, I can't let you do that."

"Just let him, babe." Jen winked and leaned forward to whisper, "I know I said something about rock stars but I've known Sychak for years and he's actually a nice guy. Let him take care of you." Then she left us alone to drink to satisfaction.

"I don't know why you're doing this, but thank you so much." I said to him.

He just smiled and we continued to drink. When the rum was gone, we ordered tequila. Before our every shot, I let him lick the salt off from my knuckles and I did the same to him. The lemon juice kind of burned my tongue but I went on drinking. We talked and laughed about the pettiest things that crossed our minds. He let me call him "Superman" as he didn't seem to fancy the name Jen called him.

"You're my Superman because you saved me tonight," I took another shot and shut my eyes. I was starting to feel light-headed but not close to drunk, or so I thought. Superman's hand rested on my thigh as he inched his face closer and I was seeing Jon's face. Everything just got better.

Young and Reckless (A Guns N' Roses Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now