0.31 - Therapy

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"It's fine." I mumbled and sat back into the sinking chair. This thing was like a damn sink hole with how far down my butt was.

"So, tell me how your first week's been." She smiled at me and clasped her hands together in her lap.

"Um, it's been.. Good." I said. Wow, intelligent Lilly.

"Just good?"

"Well it sure wasn't a blast full of fun I can tel you that." She pursed her lips and nodded.

"In sorry you feel that way. My facility strives to make everyone feel at home and comfortable while they stay." She pressed her glasses farther up her nose and peered at me with wondering eyes. "Can you tell me why you don't like it here?"

I shrugged and crossed my arms over my chest. Today I stuck with a plain baby blue top with minimal design. Though despite all that it was still pretty itchy. "I just don't. I miss home."

Her face softened a bit and she gave me an understanding nod. "I see. Anything we can do to make your stay feel more like home?"

"Nope." Well, yes, but I don't want to be a brat and get everything all at once. Didn't people have to earn decorations in room and different clothes and privileges and stuff?

"Well you can tell me whenever you find something you want. I'll see it be done." She smiled at me and opened her notebook, scribbling something down before glancing up at me past her glasses. "Now," she said. "Onto your sleeping habits. Have you been sleeping fine? Any encounters with lucid dreams."

My reply was quick and straight to the point.


She hummed and gave me a nod. "And, how do you know you haven't?"

I was a bit taken a back. I wasn't exactly prepared to be given that question and I was sure my uncertainty was clear on my face. "Because..." Should I spill?

How would she react if I told her Cordelia was with me?

She rose her eye brows and nodded her head for me to continue.

"Because... Because I watched the clock." I mumbled and looked down at me hands.

"You.. Watched the clock? Are you sure?" I nodded my head and avoided her glance. It was obvious I was lying. I was always so bad at it when I got all nervous and clammy.

"I see." Dr.Francis nodded and asked me a couple of more questions involving my sleep pattern and suggested a medicine for me to sleep. I explained to her they've never worked on my before but she still looked rather unimpressed.

"I'm still going to give them a try Lilly. There's a brand you've yet to try out and I think this might solve your sleeping issues. But yet, you still look well rested. It's remarkable." She eyed me and hummed softly before nodding her head. "So tell me about your friends. Michael and Loraine."

"Um.. Well they seem nice enough. I sit with them and the twins during meal hours. We hang out in the lounge." I shrugged but she gave me a look to continue. "The twins are okay. Kinda scary I think but they're not bad guys when you get to know them."

What was I saying? I barely knew anything about these people and here I'm talking about them and if they were my friends.

"The twins, are you referring to George and Jordan?" I nodded. "Yes, they are nice fellows. Been here for quite some time. Not our longest patient though."

"Really?" I was shocked. They were here for six years and they weren't the longest parents here?

"Well we do have older people too Loraine. Our longest patient is an old lady named Margret. She's a nice lady but still no progress with her after thirty years." I gasped. Thirty.. Thrifty years?

"Has your facility even been open that long?" I asked.

"Oh yes. Even if it wasn't this one she was with our other old facilities. Remind you that this is a family company. I wasn't the one who started it."

I sighed a bit and nodded. Yeah.. I knew that. Great grandmother or something.

A few more questions about hygiene and sleep and then she cleared her throat. "One last question before I let you go." I nodded and she looked up at me with so much seriousness in her face, it kinda scared me a little. "Has Thomas come to see you at all?"

I grew rigid in my seat and my hands immediately went into tiny fists. "Why?"

"It's information I need to know."

I gulped and bit my bottom lip roughly. "Well.. No. He hasn't."

She nodded a bit. "And what about his cat? You said she visits you too?"

I refrained from telling her that Cordelia had visited me and I shook my head solemnly. "No she hasn't come either."

She nodded and gestured towards the door. "You may go now Lilly."

I say for a few seconds more before slowly standing and making my way to the door.

"Oh and Lilly?" I paused. "Do tell me if Thomas visits you again. I want to be the first to know." She had a sickening smile on her lips and I nodded once before leaving the room.

To hell if I would ever tell her that.


Hello loves.

Another chapter up and ready! How do you guys like the story so far?

btw the next chapter is a lot better and a lot more fun so please don't give up on me now lmao.

Love the lot of you,

~ Mercay

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