Chapter 4

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Abigail's POV

I hadn't said a word to Ryan since we left the house, I just thought about my Dad and Jacob.

"He'll be okay baby" Ryan's voice broke the silence "He's a tough guy"

"Yeah so was my dad" I sigh and gasp as Ryan grabs my hand in his, he linked his fingers through mine and then pulled it onto his mouth and kissed it, before laying it on his lap. I can fell his thumb brushing my knuckles as he concentrates on the road.


The drive seemed to last forever, but it did give me some time to compose myself. I watched as Ryan got out of the car, a few flashes caught my attention How the fuck did the press know we were here?

As I climbed out of the car Ryan shielded me from the photographers, Leroy wasn't far behind "Abi are you back on drugs?" One guy asked and I saw Ryan's face twist.

"Ignore him" I replied as I gripped tighter onto Ryan's hand "He just wants a reaction" Ryan kissed my temple and draped an arm around my should, as Leroy arrived and cleared a path for us.

"You okay?" Ryan asked when we got inside and I nodded.

"Yeah" I checked my phone again so I knew where to find Harriet and Tony's wife "This way"


Tony's wife Claire was standing in the corridor talking to a doctor "Claire" I call out and she looks relieved "How is he?"

"OH Abi thanks for coming" Claire hugged me and smiled "He's got to be okay, it was just a warning sign he needs to slow down"

"Oh thank god" I feel Ryan's hand move to the small of my back "I've been telling him for months he should take a back seat"

"I know honey but Tony looks at you as another daughter, he would never trust anyone else to manage things" Claire sighed.

"Well it's a good job I've chosen to take a back seat then isn't it" I smiled and Claire grinned "You know that thing we spoke about at Christmas, well I've put it into action starting from now"

"I can't say I blame you sweetheart" Claire seemed happy about my desicion "You can only give the public so much of you...its about time you had some time for yourself"

"I'll say" Ryan spoke up from behind me.

"Oh sorry Ryan I didn't see you" Claire looked over at Harriet who was approaching "He's asking for you Claire"

"Why don't you come too Abi? He'll be thrilled to see you" I nod and follow her. The room Tony is in seems so dull, he has a bright smile though.

"Next time you want a meeting maybe you could just call me" I chuckle as I move forwards and kiss his cheek "I'm glad you're okay"

"Me too" Tony whispered in my ear and gave my arm a gentle squeeze.


I spoke to Tony about work and my desicion to put my career on hold for a while, I didn't tell him I was pregnant though. I hadn't really told anyone apart from Ryan. Except AJ but he guessed so it doesn't count.

As we walked back to the car I was surprised to see the same reporters waiting for us to leave "ABI" A man shouted "Abigail this way" I felt Ryan's hand in my back again as he shielded me yet again Leroy was making a clear path for us "ABI, RYAN"

"Fuck sake" I exhaled as I felt my body being pushed forwards.

"Take a step back please " Ryan's voice was firm yet polite "Could you all please move back" he called and for a few moments they backed of a few inches. I felt Ryan's arm move away from my shoulders as he pushed a man away from behind us "I SAID BACK"

"Ryan" I warned his quietly, the last thing I wanted was for him to blurt out my pregnancy before we had even spoken to our families.

"It's okay I won't say anything" he replied softly and guided into the open car door. I climbed in and Ryan went round to the driver side "This is insane, how did they even know?"

"They probably followed us from the house" I felt bad about things like this because I knew how uncomfortable it made Ryan.

"They have alot to answer for these fucking journalists" Ryan frowned as he tried to pull away "I'm sure most of them have a death wish...I mean look at this guy" he pointed to a man up against our car.

"I'm sorry" I sigh and he looks confused.

"Baby this isn't your fault, I'm not mad it's just sometimes I worry that one day they're going to cause an accident...they put you in harms way all the time and don't give a shit"

"I know" I can't argue with him, he's right the press have gotten alot worse recently ever since we lost Jacob they have hounded us both 24/7.

"I'm worried about you Abi, I'm scared they'll suffocate you" Ryan's voice was weak "I love you so much, and lord knows I knew what I signed up for before I married you. Its just I wish they didn't take it so far, one day they could end up killing you... or Lillia or Freya..."

"I know it's scary baby" I reply as I take Ryan's hand "What would make it better?"

"I don't know, maybe if we spoke to Leroy again about upping security?" His suggestion was a valid one "I know I would relax better knowing there were more people around you"

"Okay" I smile, I think he knows I'm not completely happy about the idea.

"Really? I thought you were dead against it last time I asked..."

"Yeah but after tonight, it's obvious they aren't going to back off. And we hve this one to think about now...and Freya and Lillia...more security is a good idea" I agree and can see the relief on Ryan's face.

Nothing else is said until we arrive home "How is he?" My Mom greeted us.

"It was just a scare. The doctors have warned him to slow down" I reply and kiss my Mom's cheek "Where are the girls?"

"Lillia is asleep and Freya is in her room...honey there's something you should know" my Mom seemed worried.

"What is it?" Ryan moved forwards and stood beside me.

"She's being bullied" My Mom's words cut into my chest like a knife.

"What? When?" I shake my head trying to gather some thoughts "Why didn't she say anything?"

"She didn't want you to worry. Apparently it started just after you went to rehab" my Mom explained, and I felt sick, my poor baby girl was going through this all by herself. I needed to see her. I walked towards her bedroom door and took a deep breath before knocking gently.

"Baby it's Me" I say and she calls for me to go in "Nannar told me, oh sweetie why didn't you say anything?"

"Because you have only just come home and I didn't want to cause any trouble. I didn't want to upset you" my heart melted as I saw my 14 year old daughter in front of me...yes 14...since when did she become the parent.

I felt terrible for letting her down and making her fellow like she had to spare my feelings. I am meant to be the strong one "Oh baby I'm so sorry, I have been such a rubbish mom lately"

"No, no mom you haven't" Freya sat closer to me "You are amazing, I just wish you were a 9 to 5 mom"

"Yeah well on I'm going to be okay chicken?" I hug Freya gently and she exhales deeply into me.

"I love you Mom" Freya sniff and I find myself hugging her tighter.

"I love you too baby" I reply and stroke some of her hair gently.

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