Chapter 2

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Abigail's POV

I hadn't seen this face in so long, but right now it's the exact face I need to see "Hey Baby girl" AJ stood to hug me, he held me tightly for a few moments before finally letting me go "How you doing?"

"I don't know" I reply honestly.

Meeting AJ seemed like the right thing to do, although no-one understood my grief better than Ryan, unfortunately addiction was new to him and of course AJ was no stranger to addiction or even addiction. He had been there for me through all of my relapses, even when me and Nick divorced he was still a big part of my life. Talking to him seemed like the only thing for me to do right now.

"Oh honey" AJ took hold of my hand as I sat opposite him, we had arranged to meet in a small diner on the outskirts of LA "I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am...losing a child...I can't even imagine...?"

"It hurts and I know Ryan gets it...its just everything else with my dad's death and then Jacob I just..."

"I know baby, that's the one thing I do understand" AJ sighed "I'm so glad you called me"

"I just wanted to spend some time with someone I didn't need to explain anything to. I mean Ryan's been amazing and he has so much resting on his shoulders as it is..."

"He's a good guy..."

"Yeah he is" I find myself playing with my wedding ring "I'm lucky to have him..."

"Why do I get the feeling you are trying to tell me something?" AJ knows me far too well, I can't lie.

"I just feel suffocated" I admit and AJ looks around "I wish the press would back off and let me breathe, my mom is driving me insane and Ryan is tying himself on knots trying to fix me...I mean don't get me wrong Lord knows I'm grateful and I love him more than anything it's just sometimes I just..."

"Need time to be you" AJ was so easy to talk to about this stuff "I get it honey I do, but maybe you should let Ryan in" I watched as AJ gathered his thoughts "And maybe you should tell him you're pregnant while you're at it"

"What?" My eyes are now fixed on him, how the fuck could he tell? "I'm...n...not" Shit I'm stuttering, that isn't believable Abi, I think to myself.  To my surprise AJ laughs lightly.

"Oh come on Ab's you haven't touched your wine and your fidgeting...I know the signs" AJ always saw through my lies. He was spot in with his guess though and the fact I couldn't deny it killed me "How far?"

"11 weeks" I reply and AJ frowns "I found out just after I checked into rehab "

"And you haven't told him?" He exhaled.

"I don't know how" I can't help but being honest "After Jacob, I guess I'm scared that it's to good to be true. I don't want to get his hopes up"

"Oh baby girl what happened with Jacob was a tragic one off" AJ reached out and gripped my hand tightly. "Nothing like that will happen again"

Before I had chance to reply, both AJ and I jumped as the doors burst open and about 3 journalist came crashing in "Abigail, Abigail is it true you and Ryan are getting a divorce?" One of them fought their way to the front.

"No, that's ridiculous" I reply as AJ stands in between me and the flashing cameras. Suddenly security cane and removed the journeys forcefully "Thank you" I say as I look towards AJ.

"It's okay, are you alright?" He asks as he puts his hands on my arms and looks into my eyes. I nod my reply and allow him to pull me close to him.

It isn't long before Leroy and Jeff are with us, as I walk out of the resturant I can see the press are surrounding the exit "Oh for fuck sake" I cry out and AJ takes my hand tightly.

"Abi how do you feel about Ryan's infidelity? How long has he been sleeping with his manager" I wasn't sure why put this guy had hit a nerve.

"Ryan isn't sleeping with anyone else" I reply confidently "We are..."

"Then why was he seen leaving her hotel room the night before you came out of rehab?" The guy was smug.

My heart skipped in horror at the accusation, I couldn't speak. Granted I didn't believe it for a second, it was just the initial shock of the words. It was like going back in time, back to when I first found out about Nick.


I wasn't sure why but cooking had given me a sense of meaning. I felt useful as the smell of Italian food filled the kitchen. I had decided to cook my family a meal, as a thank you for all they had done for me. I had also decided it was the perfect time for me to share my news with Ryan.

He would get home and hour before my Mom arrived with Freya and Lillia.

Ryan had been shooting a comercial with Mercedes-Benz.

"Hey baby I'm home" Ryan called in a mocking tone, we had once joked that we would never live a life like this...and yet here we were.

"Hey" I greeted him with a kiss "I've made pasta for dinner, Mom's coming over soon" I take a deep breath "Come with me"

"Did you have a good catch up with AJ?" He asks as we walk through into the lounge. He frowns when he spots the two boxes I have left on the coffee table "What's this?"

"Open it" I reply, but soon stop him when he reaches for the bigger box first "This one first" I hand him the smaller black box. He opens it and inside is a black Rolex watch, he takes it out and laughs at the ingraving 'check-mate'

"Oh baby it's amazing thank you" he replies as he put the watch around his wrist.

"You gave me time, so now I'm giving time back to you" I smile "Besides Drew said yours was broken"

"Yeah this is perfect" he replies and I point towards the big square box that dominates the ret of the coffee table "Now that one"

Ryan hesitated before opening it, just as I hoped two balloons flew out of the box as he opened it and almost hit him the face.

Inside the box was a pink baby girl balloon and a blue baby boy one "I don't" Ryan paused for a moment as he looked inside the box "Is this what I think it is? He pulled out the two sticks and put them on top of the coffee table...

Inside the box was a pink baby girl balloon and a blue baby boy one "I don't" Ryan paused for a moment as he looked inside the box "Is this what I think it is? He pulled out the two sticks and put them on top of the coffee table

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"Oh man Abi are you...?" I can see the corners of his mouth lifting as he looks at the tests again "Baby..."

"Yes" tears fill my eyes as I nod confirmation "11 weeks" I sniff trying to fight my emotions.

"That's amazing" Ryan throws his arms around me and knocks me back into the sofa. Kissing my cheeks and the my lips.

"Is it?" I ask and he smiles widely "I mean are you sure?"

"Hell yeah, baby this is the best news.  I love you so much" Ryan kisses me again "I love you" his head lifts and he looks at me. His body is now covering mine as we lay on the sofa...

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