"Hope so, because the way you described him made him sound, romantic, cute, cool, and did I mention hot?" She asked.

We both laughed.

The bell rung for class to start as Rachel and I finally got to the classroom and sat at our desk.

The rest of the students started to crowd in the classroom and sat down to see a woman with a red and white polka dotted dress on. "Hello, class." She finally spoke.

"You're hot." A boy blurted. She smiled, pretending not to hear that and looked at the clip board for role call. She did look young with her glossy blonde hair over her shoulders and her smile showing no wrinkles. "I am going to be your teacher for the entire semester, my name's-"

"What happened to Ms. Elvira?" A girl interrupted.

"Oh, she uh...had....some... business to take care of." She said almost choking on her own words.

That's a lot of hesitation for one question.

"Will she be back?" Someone else asked.

People started smacking their teeth while some groaned.

"Didn't she just say for the whole semester!" A girl shouted with anger.

"Oh yea!" The boy that asked, responded

Then more teeth smacking and more angry, frustrated and annoyed groans afterwards.

"Haha, umm, any who, my name's Victoria Karlson." she told the class writing it on the board. "As you all know, I am a teacher so it is Ms. Karlson to students."

I wasn't paying attention to anything going on in class, for some odd reason, I just couldn't stop thinking about Logan.

I even tried to draw his perfection on paper but it came out a stick figure with long black hair.

My stomach started to growl, extremely loud, getting everyone's attention.

My eyed widened.

The entire classroom was staring at me now, even the teacher.

It growled again, pushing me back in my seat, like there was something inside of my stomach, moving me.

"Dude, you ok?" Rachel whispered.

I nodded and held my stomach but it growled even more loud.

What the hell was going on with me today?

I raised my hand.

"Yes?" Ms. Karlson said.

"May I- (growl) go to the (growl) restroom?" I asked, feeling the need to throw up.

"Of course! The hall pass is on the door." She said very politely.

My stomach started burning, followed by louder growls.

So loud the classroom next to us could hear it.

I rushed to the restroom, going into the nearest stall. Suddenly, everything I ate for breakfast came crashing out.

But the color of it wasn't a normal color, it was black.

I wanted to cry but, I couldn't.

A red dot suddenly tapped down on the white toilet seat. I looked up, seeing if it was coming from the ceiling.


Then I felt something warm sliding from my nose.

Great! A headache, blurry vision, black puke and now a bloody nose. I'm officially dying.

A Vampire's Property: 1st Person Special Edition.Where stories live. Discover now