Decisions and Choices

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"Maybe you should mind your own business." My older brother Derek growled, flicking a pea at my head with his fork.

"Wow." I said, wiping my forehead with a napkin. "For someone who's 17, you sure don't act like it, now stop!" I said, gritting my teeth.

"Now Derek, what did I tell you about bothering your sister?" Our mom Erica asked.

"Sorry. Mom." He said. apologizing to her as he gave me an evil smirk.

Once mom got everything settled, dad came home. "Hey everyone." He said pecking mom on the lips.

He sat his brief case on the floor, before taking a seat at the dinner table with us.

This was the normal, average family plan, every night.

"So kids, how was your first day back to school?" He asked loosening his tie.

"Great! - Horrible..." Derek and I both said at the same time.

"Horrible, Why?" He asked grabbing his silverware. Gently pressing the butter knife down into the steak, cutting it as he grabbed the loose piece with his fork.

"Well...." I said, poking at my peas, as if something were really on my mind.

"Well?" He said, taking a bite out of his steak as he waited for my answer.

"My math teacher Ms. Elvira, she uh, kinda uh...She just had a sorta bad day." I blurted.

"Dad, please tell her that has nothing to do with her." Derek said rolling his eyes and shaking his head as he shoved food into his mouth.

"Now Avery, your brother's right, how does that concern you?" He asked.

"She was crying dad, she could know the end of the world was tomorrow and not tell anyone for all I know." I said, making an sarcastic excuse, when really inside, I was actually afraid to tell them a guy in a suit and tie holding a brief case came to inform out teacher something terrible. I was feeling mad sympathy for Ms. Elvira. She was honestly my favorite teacher.

"So, and?" Derek snapped. "It's not like she'd help you even if the world was ending tomorrow, she could barely help you keep your GPA up." Derek chuckled.

My sweaty hands balled into a fist, making my nails dig into my palms.

I started gritting my teeth.

"Oh, wait, I forgot you're a captain nerd so that means." Derek continued, picking up a piece of his steak just to show us something dumb. "If you get one bad grade, your little perfect nerdy career is over, just like a split in the middle." He teased, tearing his little piece of steak down the middle.

"Ok, Derek shut up!" I shouted hopping up from the chair.

"Make me trash!" Derek shouted back, hopping up as well.

Mom wiped her mouth and spoke. "You two will not yell in my house!" She snapped.

"He started it." I said giving Derek an evil look.

"I don't care who started it, you two are 17 and 16 now act like it." She continued.

Before anyone made a move there was another huge awkward silence.

Derek sat down, but kept his eyes locked on me. "I sat mother, and I'm done arguing with miss I'm soo perfect here."

They both just sighed as dad buried his face in his food and mom buried hers in her phone.

I looked at them back and forth, to see if they would respond to what he just said.


I decided to be dramatic and take matters into my own hands. I picked up my plate of left over steak, peas and mashed potatoes, and dumped it all on Derek's head.

A Vampire's Property: 1st Person Special Edition.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ