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The next day I woke up, trying to remember everything that happened last night and trying to figure out if it was all just a horrible dream or not.

But then it all came back once I saw my magazines and my iPod sitting on my dresser. I also looked around, realizing Logan was gone. Once I sat up, my head started pounding. "Wooah." I said, feeling a bit dizzy. I tried to hold myself but that didn't work. My head has never throbbed so much before. I wanted to cry this pain hurt so much.

I started groaning in pain. Keeping my head folded between my knees.

"What the hell." I groaned in pain.

Suddenly the pain went down. Fast. I tried to breathe so I could gain back my focus. Whatever that was, I hope it doesn't happen again, for now on I'm gonna keep pills in my purse. That headache felt worse than cramps. I was finally able to gain my consciousness back. I even my curtains, letting the sun hit my face, I quickly shut them and ran away. Why did that burn me? I guess the sun was literally on earth today.

I looked down at my hands trying to see where the sun had burnt me. But sadly, I couldn't see anything. Why was my vision so blurry? I closed my eyes and squeezed them with my fingers, making sure I wasn't just being dramatic. So, I tried again. I opened them again, my vision returned back to normal.

Maybe these are just side effects from not getting enough sleep, I guess. But I've never experienced side effects like this.

I suddenly heard a noise coming from my closet, making me jump.

"Logan?" I whispered, staring the door down. "Logan!" I said a bit louder.

Then my room door swung open, I stood in position.

"Avery it's time to wake u-oh you're already up." My mom said peeking her head inside of my room.

"Yea," I said being sarcastic.

She rolled her eyes and walked out.

"Bitch." I mumbled, once I heard her run down stairs to the front door.

My hearing seems to be very high key today. I feel like I can hear someone breathing, or is that just me?

I shrugged.

Now that everyone's at work, and Derek's at school I can finally have peace and quiet.

I ran to my mirror and saw that there was a note torn from my magazine.

Be back later

It said in very neat hand writing.

Maybe Logan left early so he wouldn't get in trouble. I thought he was in the closet or my mom was closing her room door, sounding like it was in here. I sighed and sat down in the chair in front of my mirror, as I took my hair down it tickled my back for the first time.

"Did my hair grow?" I asked myself, checking the length by pulling it.

I shrugged.

I started brushing my hair as I thought about Logan. But wait, I can never tell anyone about him...or can I? But then another thought came into my mind as well.

At school

"SERIOUSLY?!" Rachel shouted.

"Shhh. Yep, me and Kevin are sooo over with." I bragged, flipping my hair.

"Well, how are you going to tell him and I want to meet your new boyfriend Logan." She teased.

"Patience, you'll get to meet him one day." I assured her.

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