Chapter 13: Back Home

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He was jostled from his sleep as the boat slowed, bumping slightly into the dock. A knock at the door let him know they had made it. Sighing Chaol stood, as he reached for his walking stick leaning against if for support as he walked up the stairs onto the main deck. The lights of Rifthold glistened against the water. He was home.

He didn't have to go far to realize things had changed while he was away. Miles of tents lined the outside of the city in both directions. Soldiers, Chaol realized. No armies. He could make out the seals of the different countries of Erilea along with a few others he didn't know as he walked towards the city. Dorian was ready for war. Chaol gulped, he should have been prepared for this, he just thought they would have more time.

Chaol could see the outline of the glass wall that surrounded the castle in the distance, the guards posted outside straightened as he approached. "Captain! You're back." Chaol smiled at his men. "Just sir now" "Right, sorry Sir. We weren't expecting you, I'll have someone inform the King of your arrival right away." Chaol raised his hand, "That won't be necessary. It's late I'll show myself in." "Umm, Sir.." He turned waiting. "You might want to avoid the stables, because of the the crowds." Chaol nodded his thanks as he walked through the gate towards the stable entrance. It was almost two o'clock in the morning, why would there be a crowd of people in the royal stables?

As he approached Chaol could hear the sounds of cheering and chanting. What the hell was going on here? Chaol walked through the doors to the stables taking in the scene before him. The Royal stable was packed with people from wall to wall, forming a circle around the guards training area. In the middle of the circle he could make out two figures. A fight! Chaol's blood boiled. This was absolutely uncalled for! He scanned the room looking for Ress, spotting him standing on the first row smiling and cheering. Ress not only knew, but was allowing it to happen. Chaol was furious. He leaves for a few months and all hell breaks loose. Shifting sideways he started nudging people out of the way as he squeezed his way through the crowd trying to reach Ress. One of the fighters stepped in front of Ress blocking his view, his eyes focused on their face. He lost it. The fighter was Dorian. His hair soaked with sweat, holding a blade in each hand. Chaol quickly glanced at his opponent, who was much smaller than him, dressed in all black with a mask covering their face. Dorian smiled as he crouched low waiting as his opponent lunged across the floor, their blades locking together. The cheers grew louder as Dorian gained some ground. Chaol was going to kill him as soon as this was over.

Pushing his way through the crowd, keeping his eyes on the King, Chaol reached the edge of the circle. He watched slightly amazed at how Dorian moved with such speed and skill. Dorian had always been decent with a sword, but not like this. He had been training. He planned to fight. Chaol pushed away the thought, as he scanned the crowd. They were mostly guards, mixed with a few others he didn't know. Standing near Ress across the circle he could see the looming figures of Rowan and Aedion sticking out from the masses, smiles plastered across their faces. Chaol turned his attention to the masked figure in black, suddenly realizing who it was. He smiled, impressed at how well Dorian was holding out against Aelin. Dorian had blocked her best moves again and again. Aelin took a step backwards tossing a sword to the ground as she pulled off her mask, her face glistening with sweat.

"Don't let her distract you with that pretty face!" Someone yelled, the building erupted with laughter as Aelin batted her eyes. Dorian smirked at her as he too took a step backwards, dropping one of his blades while he took of his shirt. Lysandra whistled, and the crowd cheered. Chaol thought he saw Aelin's cheeks redden, as Dorian lunged at her. Aelin was too quick though and spun deflecting his blade. In one swift motion she bent pulling a dagger from her boot, angling it upwards towards the Kings face. Dorian grabbed her arm stopping the blade just inches from its mark, leaving his sword to fall to the ground. Aelin's eyes widened from shock as Dorian used the distraction to sweep her feet out from under her. They tumbled to the ground the dagger falling out of her grip sliding across the floor. Aelin kicked and squirmed against Dorian's grasp, but he had her. Dorian placed the back of his arm against her throat, his other hand grabbed Aelin's boot pulling out another dagger, he held it above her heart. He had won.

The building erupted with screams. Ress stepped forward raising Dorian's hand in the air. "The winner the King of Adarlan!" The crowd cheered some more. Dorian offered his hand to Aelin helping her to her feet. She was beaming at him with pride as she wrapped her arms around his neck planting a quick kiss on his cheek as she embraced him. The King hugged her back his hands resting against the small of her back. Chaol noticed that as they walked over towards Rowan that Dorian's hand remained around her waist.

"Alright, the show is over! Everyone back to your places or go to bed!" Ress yelled above the noise of the crowd. He was met by a chorus of mumbling as the guards dispersed. It was Ress who spotted him first. "Captain Westfall, Sir, I can explain". Chaol glared at him. Nothing he could say would make any of this okay.

Upon hearing his name Dorian spun, "Chaol!" He ran across the training circle pulling him into a hug. Chaol hugged him back, though his body was moist from sweat. Realizing it Dorian took a step back apologizing. "You're back! And your walking! That's wonderful!" Aelin walked up standing beside Dorian whose eyes filled with concern as he looked around. "Where's Nesryn?" Chaol smiled, "She's fine, she should be arriving within the week along with an army from the Southern Continent ready to fight by Terrasen." Aelin beamed at him "Glad to have you back Chaol" she said as she stepped forward to hug him. It was an awkward hug, but pleasant enough.

"I didn't know to expect your arrival this week." Dorian mumbled as he glanced at Ress for confirmation. Chaol nodded, "We had to leave so quickly after the decision was made, that there wouldn't have been time to get word to you, that's why I left right away and Nesryn stayed behind." Chaol added rather coldly. He was still furious.

Dorian nodded. "You must be exhausted, lets get you inside. Did you want anything to eat? I could have something prepared." Dorian asked. Chaol shook his head, "No just a real bed would be nice." Dorian smiled, "I think we have one of those." As he clasped Chaol on the back leading him inside.

The three of them walked together in silence back to his room. Chaol didn't know where to start, what to say. Once they were inside his room he spun around to glare at them. "What the hell was that!" Dorian took a step back, while Aelin shrugged her shoulders looking confused. She had the nerve to look confused, oh she was so infuriating! He glared back and forth between the two of them, but they offered no explanation. "What were you thinking! A King and Queen of neighboring countries sparring together! You could start a war!" "I think we already have one of those" Aelin purred. Dorian rolled his eyes. "Chaol it was nothing, Aelin has been training me for months now and the men thought I could take her so they arranged this match..."

"It's unacceptable Dorian! You can't just do whatever the Hell you please anymore. You're not some spoiled Crowned Prince anymore, your the King."

Dorian took a step forward, his hands curled into a fist. "Dorian.." Aelin whispered as she reached out taking his hand in hers holding him back. Sighing Dorian looked Chaol in the eyes, "You have no idea Chaol what I have been through, what has happened here. I know perfectly well who I am and what that means. I also know that soon we will be fighting a war for this world. These men need to have their spirits lifted as much as I do. Yes, it was... unconventional" Chaol snorted. "But no harm was done. Get some rest, we will talk more in the morning."

Chaol huffed at him as he sat on the bed waving them out. Dorian placed his hand around Aelin's waist again as he turned to leave. "I missed you." Chaol smiled "I missed you too." Aelin scoffed "Men." Dorian rolled his eyes tightening his grip on her waist as he pulled her towards the door, offering Chaol one last smile before he left. 

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