Chapter 3: Back in Adarlan

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**Dorian's POV**

Darkness, that's all there was. Dorian was only slightly aware of the light leaking in through the thick curtains as the sun set outside. The light drowned out by the shadows that constantly danced in front of his eyes. He saw their faces, heard their screams, and the blood so much blood. He stood, the book in his lap thumping to the floor, but he didn't hear it all he could hear were screams. Sweat was pouring down his face, and he felt his head begin to swoon as his heart beat accelerated. So many people, so many screams, the blood. He ran his hands over his face and settled on his neck, the collar was gone. He stumbled across the room to his desk covered with papers grabbing the bottle of wine. Empty. His head was spinning, he looked around the room his hands out in front of him swiping at the shadows as he backed into a corner. The darkness was reaching for him, the screams getting closer and louder. Ice filled the room as he tried to shield himself from it, but there was no escaping. No end to the darkness.

**Aelins POV**

Aelin's feet were once again on solid ground, and she couldn't have been happier. Manon had dropped her and Lysandra off just before dawn outside the glass wall surrounding the stone castle. Without a word the witches had departed vanishing into the sky. Aelin let out a sigh of relief, everything seemed peaceful and as it should be as she looked at the stone castle that had been her home and prison. Still her magic inside her screamed pulling her to look up at a tower covered in vines. Lysandra nudged her forward. "Come on, I'm exhausted and could use a bath". Aelin shook her head and shot her friend a smile. Linking arms the Queen of Terrasen walked toward the stable entrance at the side of the castle.

Aelin guided Lysandra to her old rooms. They passed a few servants and guards on their way, but nobody stopped them. The guards who knew her just nodded their heads. Odd, Aelin thought, she would have a word with Nesryn about security when she gets back from the southern continent. If she gets back, her brain corrected. No, Aelin assured herself, they would come back.

Lysandra went straight to the bathing room and started drawing a bath. Aelin looked at herself in the mirror, her windblown hair looked crazy and decided that she too needed to freshen up. She opened the door to her closet, and smiled. All of her belongings were still here waiting for her. Quickly she changed out of her dirty riding clothes and into a simple white tunic and black pants. She called to Lysandra to let her know she was going for a walk, and headed out to find news about the King. Everything seemed normal she mused. The castle and city were still standing. There was no sign of an attack, or the Valg. The guards seemed at ease, but she couldn't help feeling something had happened, something was wrong.

She rounded a corner headed to Dorian's tower following the pull of her magic when she slammed into a guard who was running, the impact knocking her backwards. The guard grabbed her arm keeping her from falling to the ground. A slur of curses escaped Aelin's lips as she glared up at the clumsy fool.

"Hi Ress". Aelin schooled her features into a smile. Ress didn't release his hold of her arm and did not return her smile instead he just barked in a hushed whisper, "What are you doing here?"

Aelin blinked and jerked her arm out of his grasp, straightening her back and placing her hands on her hips. "The King sent word to Terrasen", she hissed "now where is he?" Though she knew the answer, she felt the pull of her magic again.

A look flashed across Ress' face, but was gone as quickly as it came. What was it relief? Aelin wasn't sure.

"In his tower I assume, he hasn't left since.." Ress' voice trailed off, and Aelin could tell he was debating whether or not to tell her. Aelin felt rage ripple through her. She was tired, sore and had spent the last 20 hours at the hands of a witch. She lunged pushing Ress into the wall one arm braced against his throat, the other hovered just inches from his face letting Ress feel the warmth from the flames, but careful not to burn him.

"You will tell me what is going on in this damn castle" she whispered in his ear. Ress' eyes were wide as he nodded his head, she released him. He glared at her, the way Chaol used to, she smiled from amusement, crossing her arms across her chest. "Let's hear it peasant", she snapped at him. She really should be nicer to Ress she told herself, but that could wait right now she needed answers. Answers that he had. Ress sighed through his nose and told her everything. 

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