Chapter 9: Training

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Aelin's lungs were burning, her breathing labored as she willed her feet forward trying to maintain her current running pace. She was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius and she would not be beat. Beside her Aedion was jogging, sweat glistening on his face. He turned to look at her, giving her a smug smile. "Running out of steam are we?" Tilting her head she flashed him a devilish grin. "Only if you... are." She could tell that Aedion heard the panting in her voice, and answered by accelerating his pace turning his head to look back at her saying she was just as slow as he remembered. Mumbling curses under her breath, Aelin willed her legs to move faster. Her muscles groaned in protest as she focused on breathing.

A few minutes later, Aelin was seriously considering that she couldn't go on, and would have to admit that Aedion was able to out run her. It seemed like he could maintain this pace forever. Deciding that she could keep it up a little longer she pushed forward. Sweat stinging her eyes. Breathe, a burst of pain, breathe.... breathe, pain, breathe...

Screaming Aelin gripped at her shoulder as she collapsed on to the ground. She had been stabbed! Someone had stabbed her. Aedion ran over to her, bending over her. Why wasn't he going after her attacker?

"Aelin?" What's wrong?" What's wrong! Could he not see the blood, could he not see that she had been stabbed? Aedion grabbed her arm pulling it away from her shoulder. There was no blood... no blood on her hand. She didn't understand, jumping up on to her feet she traced her hands over her shoulder feeling for a wound that wasn't there.

"It felt like... I was stabbed. The pain in my shoulder..." her voice trailed off. Aedion ran his hands over her shoulder inspecting her. "You're fine" "I didn't imagine it!" she barked. Aedion threw his hands up in the air, "I never said you did, Aelin you scared the crap out of me. The way you acted I though you were injured too."

Aelin nodded as she rubbed her shoulder, what just happened? "It doesn't make sense." she mused out loud. The pain had left her, almost as quickly as it came. Aedion was starring at her, rubbing the back of his neck. He shrugged his shoulders. "Perhaps we should have you checked over by a healer, just to be safe." She didn't need a healer, but she nodded and followed Aedion back towards the stables.

Aelin heard a strange sound as they drew nearer to the castle. She couldn't place it but she had heard it before like the sound of crunching ice. Her eyes widened as she heard Rowan yelling, "Hold it! Hold it.... That's it good!" As Rowan had promised to he had spent the morning training Dorian. Pain suddenly surged through her entire body, her muscles burning. Her magic pulsed through her, pulling her. She took off running towards the training field. As she crested the top of the hill she stopped. Dorian was kneeling on the ground, his arms shielding his head as he attempted to block hundreds of ice daggers flying at him. They were exploding against his shield but his shield was failing. Her heart stopped as she felt the pain pulse through her once more. His pain. His shirt was soaked through with blood, from his shoulder. Rowan was going to kill him.

Seeing her he yelled, "Trust me!" from across the field. She did, she trusted him with her life, but Dorian he was hurting him. Her Dorian was kneeling on the ground bleeding! She couldn't take it! Couldn't take feeling his pain anymore!

She turned to face Rowan eyes blazing. "That's enough!" "He needs to realize his potential!" Pain surged through her again. Aedion grabbed her around her shoulders holding her back. "Give him a minute" he whispered in her ear. Horrified Aelin watched as Dorian struggled to maintain his shield. The pain becoming more intense.

"Rowan" she growled. It was one thing for him to train her this way, but not Dorian! "He can do it, Aelin. Trust me." Growling she stalked across the field towards Rowan, she would use the blood oath to stop him if she had to. As she approached Rowan barked, "Hold your defense or I'll hurt her!" Aelin stopped. What? Suddenly she felt air leave her lungs, she tried to catch her breath as she stumbled forward, gasping she couldn't breathe. Panic flooded through her as darkness filled her vision she dropped onto her knees falling forward on to the ground. Aedion grabbed her cursing violently. A bright light suddenly filled her vision as air flooded back into her lungs, she could breathe. Coughing she tried to even her breaths as she breathed slowly in and out. She could hear Aedion calling her name. Her vision slowly started to return. She could see Dorian standing a few feet in front of her. Fire erupted from him, slamming into Rowan. Rowan shielded himself and made to attack again. Aelin tried to push herself up, her head throbbing. She had to stop it. Before Rowan could strike he fell to the ground gasping for air. Aelin looked at Dorian. He... he had controlled wind... and fire! Dorian fell forward onto his knees, as he did Rowan started breathing again. Slowly Rowan stood and walked over to Dorian. He clapped Dorian on the shoulder. "Very good!" He beamed.

Aelin shook off Aedion's arms as she scrambled to her feet, she stumbled over to Dorian and knelt down in front of him. He raised his eyes to meet hers. "I'm okay", he breathed. Aelin raised a shaking hand to grasp his shirt ripping it so she could assess his wound. It had already stopped bleeding. Her hand rested on his chest, feeling his heart beat. He was okay. Anger pulsed through her. Standing she whipped around glaring at Rowan. If you EVER pull a stunt like that again! Dorian stood and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Rowan, I think we are done for today, but I expect to pick up training again tomorrow." Aelin glared at him, but Dorian just flashed her one of his perfect grins. Rowan nodded his head and smiled. "Fine! But tomorrow, I'm supervising so you idiots don't almost kill each other!" "As you wish" Dorian whispered in her ear. Turning she stood on her tip toes as she whispered in Rowan's face "Told you, he would knock you on your ass." And with that she spun on her heel grabbed Dorian by the collar of his shirt hauling him inside. 

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