I was shockingly right striker. I was a little nervous but when I looked in to the stands and saw Nick giving me a thumbs up suddenly my nervousness was gone and I knew I could do this. The game ended us winning seven to two. I had never played a better game. I scored three of the seven goals. My coach was completely shocked on my performance and honestly so was I. never in my life had I played like that.

After having our little victory dance I said good bye to my teammates and walked over to Nick."So how was your first soccer game?" I asked him. He looked at me in awe, "Wow Miranda you are amazing. I have never seen someone move like that. I am going to coming to all these games. Wow." I blushed, "Thanks that means a lot." "So do you think you could teach me some of those moves?" he asked me.

"Really?" I said shocked. "Yeah that was amazing." "Well just tell me when." I told him. He smirked and hopped off the bleachers, "Ok well then how about now?" he said as he grabbed the soccer ball from my hand and ran off toward the goal. I laughed and sprinted after him. "You do know soccer is played with your feet right?" I told him as he held the soccer ball over my head.

He chuckled and replied, "Yes but I think this is more fun." I laughed; I just noticed how comfortable Nick is to be around. I really do wish I remembered hanging out with him when I was a kid. I just had to block those years out, too much pain. "What are you thinking about?" Nick asked suddenly. I sighed, "I just wish I remembered being around you when I was a kid." He smirked, "Well why don't we just make new memories? Like for instance one could be me kicking your ass at soccer." He said the last part while tugging my pony tail.

"I like the first part but that second part will only happen in your dreams." I said finally getting the soccer ball from him. I put the ball on the eight-teen yard line, backed up a few steps, and then hit the ball full force at the goal. The ball landed in the upper right hand corner making a swoosh as it hit the net. "Let's see you do that." I smirked at him.

He looked so insecure as he looked at the ball I set in front of him. I gave him a reassuring smile, "You are right footed correct?" he nodded. "Ok well just take a couple of steps back and then with you right foot take a step and then you left. You left should land at about the half way mark on the ball. Then you are going to want to strike the ball with the inside/top of your right foot." I explained to him as best as I could. He didn't seem confused but I showed him once more.

"You ready?" I asked. He gave a nervous smile but nodded. I set the ball in front of him and stepped away so I could watch him. He did everything perfectly except he didn't rotate his hips so the ball flew a little to the right of the far post. He turned to me a little disappointed. "That was really good you just didn't rotate you hips correctly." Nick looked at me confused, "What do you mean I didn't rotate my hips correctly."

"Ok look," I told him as I walked up behind him, I put my hands on his hips and I felt him tense up. I turned his hips how they were supposing too. "See? That's all you need to do to get that ball in the net." "Ok I get it let me try again." He told me. I watched him a second time and he made it in the goal. The goal probably would have blocked it but it was amazing for his second time trying. He looked at me with a huge smile on his face. "I did it!" I laughed, "Yes you did now all you have to do is work on your placement and you will set on shooting." "What else will you teach me?" Nick asked eagerly

About an hour and a half later we were doing a one on one drill. Every time you hit the cone the person was guiding it was a point. I had ten and he had five. I faked him out on the right and then went left I was about to hit the cone when hit foot came out and knocked the ball away. Our feet got all tangled up and next thing I knew we were falling. He landed on top of me, but he wasn't like crushing me or anything.

I laughed, "Wow Nick you are such a klutz." I teased him. "Well I learned from the best." He told me smirking. I smacked his arm, "Hey now! I am not the one getting their ass kicked by a girl!" "Oh I know how will I ever get over it. I mean reputation is going to be ruined." He said sarcastically. I giggled. He reached a hand up and moved some of my bangs that had fallen out of my pony tail.

"You looked so amazing on that soccer field." He whispered to me while staring into my eyes. I blushed but didn't break eye contact. "You didn't look that bad on that football field either." He smiled. We stared at each other for a while and then he slowly leaned in. he lips got closer and closer. I could feel his warm breath on my face. I closed my eyes waiting for his lips to reach mine.

Suddenly a car door slammed. My eyes shot open and nick rolled off me. We both stood up quickly and what we saw made me shake. Tyler was walking toward us looking pissed off. "Hey Baby." He told me right before he shoved his tongue down my throat. He kept at it till Nick cleared his throat. Tyler pulled away and shot Nick a look, "What the hell are you doing here with my girl?" Nick scoffed, "She isn't your girl and you know it. You are black mailing her." I gasped, shit Tyler is not going to like that. Tyler turned to me, "You told him!?!?" I whimpered, "I was drunk I didn't know what I was saying. He only knows that." Tyler was pissed now I could tell.

"You Bitch! Give me one reason why I shouldn't drag you to my house right now and have my fun." My eyes widened what have I done! Why did I let that slip to nick? Just as Tyler was about to grab me Nick stepped in standing in front of me so that I could only see his back. "You touch her and I swear to God you will not wake up tomorrow." Nick voice was menacing. I coward into his back pressing my face in between his shoulder blades he reached a hand back and grabbed a hold of mine. I held on to it tightly. "What are you going to do Nick? You already know that if she doesn't give me what I want the whole school will know about her dirty little secret."

Nick hissed at him, "If you even think about telling anyone about that I beat the living hell out of you and you know I can. Remember when I caught you with her you still have a black eye." The way Tyler looked at Nick I could tell he was scared. "She will be mine you can't protect her forever. When I get her I will not only fuck her but I will also let everyone know how little miss perfect messed up. I will keep my mouth shut till then but I will be back to claim what is mine."

Tyler slowly walked back to his car. I buried my face into nicks back and cried. I broke down. I felt Nick shift me so that he was hugging me. "Hey its ok he is gone now. I will never let him touch you. We will get through this." I slowly looked up at nick, "Nick you are the best." I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his lips gently. "Will you please take me home now?" I asked wrapping my arms around his waist. He kissed my forehead. "Of course." As we walked to the car I couldn't help but think I was falling for Nick.

I was falling fast.

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