Chapter 18: Partners and Procastination

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Emory's P.O.V

It's been 2 months and nothing. He's left me alone as I wished. The only thing we've talked about is cell particles in science class.

Speaking of science were currently sitting in science looking over the heart of a sheep, the squishing of the tools in the veins are making me sicker then the tension between Shor and I. Usually Shor wouldn't make me do this but since I told him to pretend he'd never met me he's acting as if he doesn't know this makes me sick.

"Class" My teacher yells clapping his hands.

Every head turns in sync like a wave of meerkats looking for predators.

Everyone slowly went quiet like someone turning the sound down on the radio. Then from the silence Sir speaks "Your being given an assignment"

The class still full of uninterested silence. "A partner assignment" This provoked people interest. Whispers erupt throughout the class room, eyes making silent agreements and people picking partners. Before I got the chance to turn to Penny, sir speaks again putting everyone whispers back to hush.

"Assigned partners" Sir turns and pulls a list from his top draw, all i can think is PLEASE DON'T PUT ME WITH...

"Shor" Before I finished my thought sir calls his name. "You'll be with Emory" A sea of gasps and ooo's flow through the class room.

I feel shor glaring at me. I have my head in my hands as sir moves on saying the rest of the partners.

"This is an at home assignment you will need at least 18 hours to get a C, 22 hours to get a B and 26 hours to get an A. You'll have to work together and put in your best. You have till next Monday" He says as he walks around handing out assignment sheets.

I still haven't removed my head from my hands and wasn't ever planning on it until I feel a tap on my shoulder I raise my head and come face to face with those  golden brown eyes that I fell in love with. All though the sparkle of love for me he used to have has burnt out or disapeared or has been locked away, I don't know what happened to it but I know it's not there.

"Hey um would you mind if I switch with Penny so I can be with Noah and she can be with you instead" He spoke with no emotion no nerves no fear nothing.

I'm lost, lost in those deep honey brown eyes I used to and maybe even still love so much. I haven't looked into his eyes directly since I told him I was done.

I know it hurts me greatly to not have him in my life, but with my insurcurities and his popularity it could never work and we could never be together, it makes me sad, but I do not regret it.

I see a look of confusion spread across Shor's face I realise I haven't answered his question.

"Um well yeah sure okay" I reply feeling relief but also sadness that he didn't want to be my partner, I have driven him away so badly that he couldn't even spend 26 spread out hours with me to do school work.

But I guess it makes sense I broke him. Penny told me that Noah told her that Shor didn't leave his room not even to eat for a week.

"Cool I'll ask sir after class" He says going back to the heart. Which right now looked as broken as mine. 


The bell for the end of class rang and people pile out of the class room, Shor walks over to the teachers desk as I slowly pack up my books.

"Emory" Sir says calling me over. I quickly shuffle over to the desk.

"Shor here want's to switch how do you feel about this?" Sir asks.

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