Chapter 10: Answers and Awakward Dinners

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Emory's P.O.V

Well if this isn't the most awkward thing to ever happen to me I don't know what is. 

I'm currently sitting at the dinner table with Kelly and Michael at each end of the table with Carter, Shawn and Jason sitting across from me, going left to right, all sitting there completely clueless to what Reece had walked in on minutes ago, in case you missed it.


Me sitting in Shor's lap, lips interlocked, me about to rip his shirt from his head, Reece bursting through the door. Yeah, I know things got real awkward real quick. 

Back to the present:

I'm sitting opposite Shawn with Reece on my left and Shor on my right, us 3 are silent while the other 5 talk amongst themselves. I'm in my own head until I'm brought out. 

"Em," Shor taps me. 

"Oh yeah sorry?" 

"Do you want to live here all your life?" Kelly asks me.

"Well I have always wanted to leave San Diego and see the rest of the world but I always want to come back after I've established a good writing career," I explain to his parents. 

"Oh that's lovely, Emory you must be a very wise, caring soul, I'm so happy my son found a girl as wonderful as you," Kelly tells me. 

"She's glad she found Shor to," Reece says giggling under her breath. 

"SO ANYWAY" Shor yells over her "Mum I'll help you with dessert, Shor says getting up and taking everyone's plates and heading to the kitchen, kelly looks at Michael weirdly before getting up and following Shor into the kitchen. 

Shor's P.O.V

"Shor sweetheart what was that about?" Mum asks me shutting the kitchen door behind her as I wash off the dinner plates. 

"I need to ask you something?" I say hoping she says yes.


"How do you like Emory?" I ask cautiously my mum never likes any of the girls I bring home, she's nice to their face but she usually hates them, granted I never bring them home to meet her I bring them home to bang them.

"Shor, I knew you were going to ask this, but honestly I can honestly tell you everything I've said to her has been 100% genuine, she's lovely now what did you want to ask me?" 

"I was wondering if maybe you could consider maybe just thinking about" Mum cuts me off.

"I would love for you to bring Emory to our wedding anniversary party? That's what you were trying to ask weren't you?" Mum reads my thoughts.

"Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I yell hugging my mum so tightly.

"You really like her don't you Shory?" Mum asks each of her hands on each of my cheeks. 

"Yes I really do, I have never felt this way about a girl before in my life, I always used to just see girls as object or prizes, but now Emory's showed me that there's so much more out there, mum I think I love her"

"Why haven't you asked her out yet Shor? Lock her down" my mum asks as if I'm stupid.

"She knows how I feel, she also knows my past, I made a mistake with her, she's currently giving me a second chance and I'm waiting for  her to be ready, but I'm getting the hint she is, maybe I should" I think about our little mishap before dinner, maybe she is ready. Mum cuts me off again.

"Ask her at the party! But Shor baby, she's a sweet girl and she seems like she has it all together but I know girls like her and I think deep down she's fragile and she'll fall for you Shor but if you don't catch her, she'll break and I like her Shory honey, keep her, don't mess it up, I don't think you will, just making sure. You know?" My mum says hugging me "No enough with the sappy talk, time for dessert grab that tray" Mum says pointing to the tray with my mums famous homemade chocolate mud cake on it. 

I carry it out to the table and Emory's eyes light up, on our little Q & A out at the gazebo I learnt Emory's one weakness Chocolate, the food as well as the eye colour, lucky for me right now I have both.


Emory's P.O.V 

I just finished my 3rd slice of cake, I couldn't help it, it was okay though cause Reece who has become my new bestie kept up, I don't know what Shor and his mum were doing for so long in there but the boys started talking football and I automatically zoned out apparently Reece did to, we began talking shoes and fashion, Puppies/All animals, cute actors, movies/tv shows, dean Winchester, Photography and the love of the world, which are all things we have in common, we are actually quite similar and I love her. 

I noticed she obviously loved chocolate or cake equally as much as I do because when Shor walked out with that cake I saw her eyes go as wide as I could feel mine going and yeah she kept up.

"So Emory I think I'm done with the cake are you?" Reece asks

"Yeah I could probably attempt to eat more but I'd throw it back up and that's such a waste," I say. 

"Oh my lordy I was thinking the same thing," Reece says putting her hand up to Highfive and of course I high five back. "So do you have to be home anytime soon?" 

"Nope, only when Shor gets bored of me and takes me home?" I say looking at Shor who is just looking at Reece with a death glare as if she's about to steal his favourite toy.

"Wanna watch a movie, please Shor can she? We'll even watch it in the living room so you boys can watch too?" Reece says putting on a puppy dog face 

"Please, Shor can we?" I say turning and doing the same puppy dog face.

"God you two are like two pea's in a pod, fine, but the boys and I are watching," he says

"Fine but were picking" Reece and I say at the exact same time. 

We both look at each other and say "Say your pick on 3. 1, 2, 3, The Notebook" We both shout. 

"Oh god, there's two of them" Carter, Jason and Shawn all moan. 

"Good job bro, your dating Reece's twin, " Shawn says pushing me playfully. 

"Hey, I've always said that Reece is so awesome if she wasn't my sister I'd marry her cause she's my best friend, dude your lucky" Carter says patting my back.

Reece and I laugh as we all head to the movie room. 


Still Emory's P.O.V

We just finished 'The Notebook' and Shor is about to take me home.

Reece and I exchanged number and are hanging out not tomorrow but the next day, I also exchanged numbers with Kelly because she wants to talk to me about a friend of hers with a child who needs a babysitter for this weekend. 

"Bye guys, see you all tomorrow," I say waving bye to the family who is all standing at the door waving me and Shor off as if were never coming back. 

"Sorry about them," Shor says pulling away from the house.

"It's okay, they were wonderful, I wish I was part of a big family, it's just me, my sister Rose, my mum and my dad at home," I say looking out the window. 

"So guess what?" Shor says excitedly  

"What?" I ask curiously.

"My mum likes you, like really likes you, she wouldn't give her number to just anyone," He says laughing like he'd just made the funniest joke. "So my mums having her tailor make you a gown," Shor says suss. 

"Why do I need a gown? And why is your mum's tailor making it?" I ask even more intrigued.

"Well because you're wearing it to her party"

"Shor stop being so vague can you tell me what's going on?" 

"Okay my mum insisted you be my date to her party she also insisted her tailor make your dress, so what do you say, will you be my date?"

A/n: Sorry for the wait, but the next chapter is going to be so cutely epic yay! 

All my assignments are done so the next chapter will be updated either tonight or tomorrow.

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