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* ** GREEN'S P.O.V * * *

"Mr Ericsson, are you in, sir?" Garry knocked on the silver glass door and I decided to ignore him. "I know you're in there, sir. So please, open the door." I contemplated if I should answer. Ultimately I ended up opening my mouth. I could never resist a moment of speech whenever it presented itself.

"Then why ask, Garry, if you already know?" I voiced out. My voice raspy from lack of use.

"I needed to make sure, sir."

I groaned. Garry had always been persistent so he just kept on knocking until I gave in and opened the door.

"What is it that you want?" I asked, looking at him blankly. It did not seem to bother him. Garry was always unperturbed by my brashness towards him. He was prone to soak and discard of it like water beads.

I looked at him thoroughly, his attire was bordering on bleak – always similar to the last one. He wore a black suit with a white T-shirt beneath, his jacket unbuttoned with the gold and black hair fixed in a ponytail.

"It's time for your meeting, sir, did you forget?" He walked into the office before showing me my diary. It was a seven-inch glass with a metal frame around it. It was created specifically to work as a diary, it was optimal and efficient, for him. I quickly scrolled through it's contents; indeed I had a meeting.

"I think I did, Garry, where is it taking place?" As I walked to my desk it hit me that I did not even know what the damned meeting was about. My memory was getting to me, it wasn't what it used to be.

"In the boardroom. It's about the new robot creation, sir," he said before I could turn and ask him — already figuring out my confusion. Garry was my extra limb.

"What do they think they are going to achieve with these meetings?" I shook my head at their absurd idea of wanting to create a military robot. I had refused their idea three times already, yet they persisted.

"I don't know, sir, you'll just have to go and find out for yourself."

I just shrugged at him, took the needed files and went out of the office. I already knew that the meeting would not take long. They required my signature as the CEO and majority shareholder of the company and they were not getting it, not by a long shot.

Those idiots expected me to approve the creation of military robots for the City Founder's Committee. They wanted to create a weapon of mass destruction and I specifically told them that ECLIPTIC would never do military robots or arms.

They were too risky. The backlash — both from consumers and the public — and the funds we would have to inject were preposterous, not to mention the resources and the hours. The probability of them not working out and worse, the fall out they would bring, was just too high. I wasn't planning on jeopardizing my company and the city's freedom in that manner.

They were just in the midst of causing another militia war — unleashing such a horror on the Braganda again — I did not want that on my conscience. There is no way, in the greatest pits of Bundu, am I going to consent to that. They would just have to imagine it.

All six board members were present in the boardroom. Some wore black suits while others adorned blue. I was the oddity with a Grey one. Even Garry was in black, that traitor.

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