Chapter 1

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Sometimes people wish that the had a chance to do things over, have a second chance at life... that is exactly what Violet got. 

Violet was the nerd of the school and she had only a few friends, they were Caitlyn, Sam, Seth and Sarah. The popular girl was Lindsey, at one time Violet was friends with Lindsey until she completely turned her back on Violet and told everyone her personal information. One day after school Violet couldn't take it anymore, her Ex- boyfriend Christian was dating Lindsey and no one that used to be her friend was talking to her. Violet went to sleep one night wishing that her world was reversed and woke up in a different place. She was in a mansion that she would have never dreamed up and her phone started ringing off the hook. Let's see what she thinks about this dramatic change...


(Violets POV)

I woke up in a bed that didn't feel like my own and when I opened my eyes I realized I was not in my room I was in a giant master bedroom. I heard a familiar ringtone and looked over on the side table, I expected to see my crappy old flip phone and that my parents were calling but it turned out that there was a brand new iPhone and I had multiple calls coming at once. I took a good glance at the phone and tried to figure out how to turn it off, and saw a note sitting on the side table that I hadn't seen before. The note said, 'hello Violet and welcome to your new life. You wished that your world was reversed last night and now it is. You are in dimension 3 although you usually come from dimension 1. Turn the phone off by holding down the top button until something comes up on the screen saying 'slide to power off'. Good luck Violet... I will appear at the weirdest of times.' That was weird... well I did what it said and the phone turned off. I looked up from the phone only to see a boy that looked the age of 17 or 18 standing before me. I gasped in surprise and realized that I hadn't seen him before, I stared at him intently and asked, "who are you? I feel as if I am supposed to know you." The boy grinned widely and said, "I'm your guardian angel in this dimension not that you need one because you have so many bodyguards but still.... Here I am." I had but one question to ask my 'guardian angel' "who is my in the other dimension?" He thought for a second and then said, "oh that's easy! you are in dimension 3, dimension 3 is in 1, 2 is in 4, and 4 is in 2." I sighed and closed my eyes, "okay bu-" when I looked up I realized the boy was gone. I stood up and headed for the door to see the rest of this house, I opened the door only to see the huge chandelier that my parents had wished for hanging above the middle of a huge ballroom. There were 2 other rooms around it, my parent's room and my brother's room? I have a sister... oh well...i ran over to my 'brother's' room and woke him up realizing he also had a note on his side table form a guardian angel when he woke up he screamed very loudly and I passed out on his cold bedroom floor.

I felt the cold shag carpet beneath me and slowly opened my eyes seeing my brother and my parents. My brother was staring at everything in awe and then he looked at the mirror. He grabbed at his chest, a spot where there use to be breasts was just 14 year old boy-ness. (A.N boy-ness do you understand that? well either way she doesn't have boobs anymore.) My parents were asking a million questions like 'what happened?' and 'are you ok?' I looked at the stairway only to see Christian staring directly at me and I fainted again.


AN: Hey guys I know it was kind of boring but you know I have to explain what happened and stuff so it will be more interesting. Did anyone else notice that she fainted a lot? Well twice but still....


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2011 ⏰

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