The fight

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*2 months later*
Kaileys POV
Micheal and I have been drifting. I told my parents so they knew what was going on. They both apologized and gave me the great hugs they give. Then today, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find Micheal outside. I stepped out to talk to him, knowing my parents were watching from the window. "Kailey I think we should break up" that broke me. I shut down right then and there. He turned around to head towards the door to exit the building. I ran after him, hearing the door open behind me. I knew it was Dan, due to the way he was running so quickly. I begged Micheal to stay. It hurt to have to let him go. We were standing in the road when out of nowhere he pushed me along with himself to the side. But there was someone else missing when that truck drove quickly by us. That person...was my father. And he was laying on the ground.

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