"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" he gasped and put the remainder of his pint down on the bar to tend to me. His deep voice had gone higher pitched.

"Its fine," I sighed. I sat back down in my seat.

"No it's not! I'm so sorry, I tripped over, and I didn't do it on purpose! Honest!" the guy exclaimed.

"Seriously it's fine. I understand and know that you didn't do it on purpose, it was an accident, they do happen," I replied smiling slightly. He sighed.

"How can I make it up to you?" he asked.

"You don't have to," I responded.

"Let me buy you a drink or something!" he insisted, pulling his wallet back out of his jeans pocket, I rolled my eyes.

"Honestly it's fine! You don't need to do this!" I replied.

"I know I don't...but I want to! It's the least I can do!" he said.

"It's fine," I protested.

"What drink do you want?" he asked.

"I've got a drink already, I don't want another,"

"No seriously, I owe you a drink so choose!" he replied, I sighed.

"Fine, if you insist!" I looked at the board behind the bar and tried to find the cheapest drink possible that I would still be happy to drink. I hate letting men pay for my things. "Get me vodka and coke, and then we're even," I brushed my blonde hair out of my face the hairspray was starting to wear out. The guy turned to the barman again.

"Can I have a vodka and coke as well, please?" the guy ordered. We waited for the man to fetch it.

"You really didn't have to," I smiled shyly.

"I know but I wanted to, anyway...are you here alone?" he asked, I shook my head.

"Nope, my friends are on the dance floor somewhere, yourself?" I replied.

"I was with friends, until they left me for two birds," he sighed.

Out of ALL the names in the world...birds? Is that REALLY what he refers to women as? I thought to myself.

"That was a bit harsh of them," I empathised, the guy shrugged and smiled politely.

"Yeah, but fair play to them," he joked, I chuckled slightly to try and fit in. The barman returned with my drink, he paid for it and then pulled up a seat next to me.

We got into normal idle chit chat, we asked each other where we were from and where we lived now and then mainly complained about how our friends had dragged us out from the comfort of our homes to come out drinking, where they then ditched us for the dance floor and cheap alcohol.

"You're out a bit far to come to this club then aren't you?" he asked.

"Yeah, I blame my friends," I rolled my eyes and finished off my first drink.

"Did they bully you into coming out?"

"Yeah, as usual," I moaned. He shook his head.

"From what you've told me, they don't seem very nice," he said.

"Sara is lovely. Amy...well, she's changed and Cassie, she's always been the one to pressure you into something I suppose," I replied.

"My friends are the same; they dragged me out here tonight too. I wanted to stay in but I guess I'm glad that they did now," he started.

"Why's that?" I interrupted.

"Well that would be telling wouldn't it?" he teased.

"Oh come on, tell me!" I pouted and tapped him on his left arm. He sighed and hesitated for a moment. "Please?"

"I wouldn't have met you if I had stayed in," he replied quietly.

"I'm not really anything special, just an 18-year-old student that has been bullied by her friends to come out," I scoffed. "and who is now very, very drunk".

"A very beautiful 18-year-old," he added. I smiled.

"Thanks, how old are you?" I asked.

"18, nearly 19," he replied.

"At first, I thought you were older," I laughed. I felt my cheeks warm up, oh god I'm blushing!

"I get that a lot, don't be embarrassed," he smiled. "Well, depends on how much older you thought I was!"

"Oh only like... 20, 21! Not an old man!" I giggled. He chuckled.

We sat in silence for a while, but it wasn't that awkward silence that you get when you meet new people for the first time, this was the sort of silence where nothing needed to be said and there was nothing awkward about that, although, this could have been because there was a lot of alcohol in both of our systems at this point.

"I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?" he asked breaking the silence, I paused for a moment and thought and then shook my head.

"Not that I can remember, but to be honest I'm rather drunk so probably don't remember much right now," I giggled.

"Well, just in case I haven't, my name is Rhys," he smiled.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sapphire, my friends call me Saph for short," I replied.

Rhys smiled once again.

"That's a lovely name," he grinned.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"No problem, a pretty name and a pretty face with a kind personality, you have a lot going for you," he replied.

I looked down at the floor to stop him from being able to see the fact that I was blushing, the floor still had the tell-tale signs of the spilled alcohol from earlier on.

That natural silence came back again as we thought of another topic to discuss, maybe it was the alcohol talking but things seemed to be perfect right now. I carried on drinking, feeling myself get more and more drunk with every mouthful of alcohol. My thoughts became mashed up and my speech started to slur and make no sense, my head was spinning and whirring around but the drinks continued to flow and then the conversation with Rhys was blooming once again. He refused to let me buy my own drinks and insisted that I let him do it instead.

"Let me, I'm the gentleman here," he said.

"No, honestly I can afford it...it's not even my card that I'm using," I replied. He pushed the card back into my purse and made sure that I put it back in my bag.

"Fine," I replied, pretending to be annoyed with him and giving him the silent treatment however this didn't last long and again we were talking about anything and everything.

I couldn't remember much after that other than grabbing my coat from the back of the stool to leave with him, then waiting in the summer heat for a taxi to pick us up, there was a kiss and then the rest is a big black blur to me.

One night, one too many, one boy... one mistake.Where stories live. Discover now