My eyes froze at Vicky who looked up at me with her big blue eyes, emotions swirling around in them that were hard to decipher. My hands left her instantaneously, regret flowing through my body as I felt my mouth taste bitter after kissing her. Vicky's eyes searched for mine, begging for some sort of response, but I could only feel shock as I stared back at her silently.

"Harry," she spoke up, causing me to immediately part my lips and say a few words that I wish I took back.

"You're not her," I said bluntly, watching her face fall with hurt and surprise. Surprise I'd just respond like that so suddenly.

"I-I have to use the bathroom," she mumbled an excuse, turning to push through the crowd without giving me another glance.

"Vicky!" I suddenly found my voice again, calling for her but only to receive no response as she disappeared into the crowd of swarming bodies.

"Fuck," I cursed to myself, feeling regret hit my in everywhere. Regret for drinking in the first place. Regret for ever agreeing to come to this stupid club. Regret for kissing her, and saying those words after that.

I moved through the crowd, almost not noticing Spencer whom noticed how I began to look uncomfortable. I told him I was just going to sober up and go out to get some air, before leaving for the bar. There I drank about three or four glasses of water, feeling the alcohol in my system slowly leave as I drank more water. After that, I pushed my way through, trying to get to the front door but I was unsuccessful.

My lungs begged for a breath of fresh air, feeling suffocated in this disgustingly humid place. The smell of sweat, alcohol and sex wafting through the air as I grudgingly took another breath of air. I decided to go to the bathroom, needing to empty my bladder anyways. Since it was closer to the bar, I managed to find my way to it, quickly entering and doing my business before leaving. In the hallway of the bathroom area, I noticed large double doors at the end of it, labeled exit.

I figured using that exit instead of leaving through the front. My head ached terribly as I trudged towards the double doors, using all my strength to push past them. The cool nights air hit my face as I exited the club, my lips parting as I took a deep breath of fresh air, filling my lungs with oxygen. My hand rose to push my curls from my faces, which were beginning to cling to my skin due to the sweat that had gathered on my forehead. I scraped all my hair back into a small bun at the top of my head, securing it with a hair tie, something I've been doing a lot recently.

I was momentarily distracted by a scream of help, my head snapping towards my right to the rest of the alleyway I was seemingly in. It was too dark to notice, but there a group of men wrestling a smaller more petite body to the floor. By the sounds of the angry yells and shouts, the smaller person sounded agonizingly familiar to Vicky. My heart sunk in my chest when I recognized the male standing off to the side, watching the fighting go down with a cigarette dangling from his lips. Zayn.

"Vicky?" I yelled out like an idiot, causing all the men to halt their movements and spin their heads to my direction.

"Harry! Help me!" Vicky screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice muffled by a large bag that was clamped around her head.

Without any hesitation, I immediately began bolting towards them, pulling one man back and spinning him around, delivering a quick hard punch to his jaw. The man roared as I dragged another one to the side, swinging my fists at him too, but there were too many. I was suddenly grabbed from the back and thrown against the hard stonewall, my head banging against the stone painfully. I dropped to the floor with a heavy groan, shaking my head in annoyance as I still had some alcohol in my system; it was dulling my senses.

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