The Massacre

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Years passed. So many years of searching for the pack that took my baby, but then, late at night, I had finally found them.

One purple Deinonychus with grey bands was acting as a lookout, vigilantly looking around. He stood outside a small canyon- the place of residence for the pack. It was covered in thick mist. This pack was also the last pack of the Southern Deinonychus.

He had not seen me yet- my dark feathers blended into the night.

I roared, and ran towards him. I slashed my claws at him, throwing blood up into the air. He emitted a quick screech of pain. I then ripped his neck open, as I snarled, blood dripping from my jaws.

Afraid, he weakly ran back to the pack, bleeding out. I could smell an arousing fear from the direction of the pack.

'Go... warn them. Tell them that The Merciless is coming.'

Slowly, I crept forwards, following it to the pack. I saw them all- they brought back cruel memories. I snuck around, behind the alpha. The dying raptor sputtered out a warning to his pack, and then collapsed to the ground as blood dribbled out of his mouth.

The alpha's eyes widened, and she chirped in fear. I rose above her, eyes glowing red, and then using my jaws, I grabbed her by the body and furiously shook my head, cutting off her growls of shock.

The other Deinonychus screeched, terrified. Their most powerful member, the alpha, had been killed in only a few seconds.

Then, almost all of them scrambled into the canyon, running for their lives.

'You are all the reason my son is dead... All of you shall pay!'

The canyon walls got more narrow with every stride I took. A small baby was running in front of me. He was blue, with white bands.

'Come here! I will tear into your throat, you disgusting little creature.'

He screeched loudly, lowered his head, and accelerated overtaking some older members of his pack. 

I lashed out my arms, and grabbed one of them. It struggled against my grip, begging to be free, but I didn't let go.

I dug my claws into its body. It screamed out in terror, pleading for mercy.

But there is a reason for why I am called The Merciless.

I threw him to the ground, growling contently.

'I must catch up to the rest... I have spent years searching for these killers, I cannot let them go now!'

I ran forwards, snarling in excitement. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, as I imagined the joy that would fill my heart as I tore into the creatures who were the single reason my little Sprinter is now dead.

I could spot them all through the mist, running frantically. They had run into a dead end, and were trying to find a way out, eyes darting in all directions.

I proceeded to kill them all. One by one, I took their lives, decapitating some, disemboweling others. They were all too scared to fight back. Their blood flew onto my face, and I would practically grin in my sadistic pleasure. 'Do you see this, Sprinter!?' I screeched into the night sky, as I ripped apart a female with my claws while she shrieked in pain.

'It truly is a beautiful sight, isn't it! All this death, all this destruction, it's my gift to you! I am giving them what they deserve after what they did.'

I finally got to killing the last raptor of the pack. I looked at the bodies of the dead, grunting in my satisfaction. 

'My work is done...' I proudly said, as the blood of my victims dripped from my body.

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