[8] Mr. Player's Latest Prey(Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Oh c'mon, I said I'm sorry. Besides, Dylan Kennedy asked for your number! You should be happy. He usually doesn’t have to do that; girls just slip their numbers and well, everything to him." She says. Her eyes sparkle with excitement, like she thinks Dylan is some God that ought to be worshiped.

"Happy? Yeah right! I don’t care how insanely amazing or hot he is, the truth remains that I don’t like him—at all. Even his presence annoys me now. All he does is disgusts me. You know how I feel about men, especially those who can’t be loyal to one person; and not just men, but every non-loyal person. They remind me of my father.” I say scowling. And it’s the truth, it really is. Seeing Dylan just boils my blood. Every time I look at him, all I can imagine are the numerous girls whose hearts he must have broken, the numerous girls who’ve cried for him.

"Oh god, forget it. Just tell me what happened this morning." Tia finally says giving up. She doesn’t really get it, no one does really; and no one will unless and until they’ve gone through what I have. That’s the truth of life—nobody can fully understand how you feel except yourself.

So then I tell her everything. I tell her how Dylan had come to my house this morning and won my mom's heart completely; how my mom wants him to drop me off to school every damn day from now onwards; and how he kissed me, and I felt like never stopping. My face visibly turned red during the mention of the kiss. If I think hard enough, I can actually even feel his lips on mine, and even re-live the whole experience. I can feel his hands on my hips, pulling me towards his body, and feel his other hand pushing me against the tree trunk. I can also feel his hot breath on my skin and—

“Hello? Alex?” Tia’s voice brings me back to my senses and my cheeks turn redder. Tia doesn’t points this out though and ignores it; instead she waits for me to spill the remaining details. And so I tell her about my little drama during the car ride. "Talk about dramatic television soaps, who says life isn't dramatic? You guys come straight out of the television. Well, it does seem true; I mean have you seen Dylan? He seems to have come straight out of a movie poster. You guys seem like an on-screen couple. He is the player, you resist him and the next thing you know you're falling for each other—"

"Whoa, hold on girl. You're going too fast. That is never going to happen—like ever." I interrupt her before her imagination can run wilder. I feel absolutely horrified that Tia would come up with something like this. She’s known for her wild and crazy theories, but hardly any of them come true. But could this one actually happen? Could she be right this time?

Ha! No way in hell, like never ever.

"C'mon, let's go. We'll get late for class if we don't" I say and walk over to the door and open it. Five minutes later we bid each other goodbye, walking away into opposite directions to go to our respective classes. When I arrive at the door of the classroom I notice that everybody is already seated and the teacher is getting ready to take the roll call. I quietly slip into the class and take the seat I usually sit in. It’s in the backward section of the class, not exactly the last seat, but somewhere in the middle.

It gets a little quiet when I take my seat and I inwardly smile. Thank god, at least they have the decency to keep their mouth shut during class. Apparently, I am wrong though. The whisperings begin in full force a few seconds later. No, not everyone is busy gossiping about me, I’m not that interesting, but I can see a lot of kids doing it, leaning towards each other as they eye me, whispering things that are probably not true. Most of the people sitting nearby are staring at me, and then something behind me, and then they turn back again. I turn to look on the other side to see what is demanding their attention.

Guess what I see?

Dylan Kennedy.

I had been so busy in quietly sneaking into the classroom that I hadn’t noticed that the seat I’m currently occupying was right next to where Mr. Player is sitting. What the hell is he doing here? I mean he never sits here! He sits at the back where usually Stacey does too and all the other popular kids in class. It's like an unwritten rule. The nerds have to sit in the front and the popular kids sit at the back, and we normal, average people are always situated in the middle. So I repeat, what is he doing here?

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