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Louis' POV

Before she could protest i ran off. The show was about to start and me and the other judges were taking our spots.

"Lady's and gentlemen please welcome our judges Simon Cowell, Rita Ora, Cheryl Fernandez-versini, and Louis Tomlinson."

We walked out and went to our chairs. KelleCee got up and i sat down. She stood up behind my chair.

"Come sit." I said.

"No im alright." She said.

"Don't be foolish get off your knee." I said grabbing her waist.

"Fine." She said slowly sitting down.

I put my arms around her waist and she traced the tattoo on my wrist.


It was finally time fir Memory to preform. KelleCee sat up and watched their preformace. I think she forgot she was on my lap and jumped around a little to much. I accidently ket out a groan. Her eyes went wide and my face went red.

"Sorry." She said.

"That's alright. Just when we walk out stay infront me." I said.

It was now time of the 1st elimination.

"The first 3 safe are.....Louisa Johnson, 4th Impact and Memory!"

KelleCee got up and slowly walked to her sisters.

*Skip to end*
KelleCee's POV

We were in our room and Rhemmie was talking ti me about Louis.

"So have you two kissed yet?" She asked.

"Rhennie really?" I asked.

"Your my younger sister. I have a right to know." She said.

"No we havent." I said.

"Does he know he is your first boyfriend?" She asked.

"Yeah to be completley honest i thi k he wants to take the realationship to the next step." I said.

"Well its almost been 2 months. Just becareful. Be safe. If he hurts you i will kill him." Rhemmie said.

"Thanks sis." I said.

"Your welcome. I want details when ever it foes happen." She said.

"You will be the first ones i tell." I said.

"Goodnight sis." She said.

"Good night Rhenm." I said.

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