Chapter 20- Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It... Oh.

Start from the beginning

It was then that my stomach decided to rumble very loudly and I remembered I hadn't eaten since breakfast. Even then I'd only had toast and tea. Nothing too substantial.

More loud voices from the living room meant someone else had arrived, no doubt it was Molly, and I tried to ignore my growing hunger.

So, despite me not actually wanting to leave this room I felt it necessary to leave and eat than to not and starve. I closed my book and left it on the bed, heading for the door.

Slowly, I opened it and closed it quietly behind me as everyone talked amongst each other. My plan was to sneak into the kitchen and make a sandwich without anyone spotting me.

I carefully walked along the hallway and managed to get into the kitchen safely. I looked around for the ingredients I could make food with but only found mince pies and cake.

It was better than nothing.

"First time ever, she's cleaned up her act. She's off the booze." I heard John say and I knew he was talking about his sister.

At his statement I couldn't help but let out a snigger and instantly made my presence known to all of the guests.

"Ah, there she is!" Mrs Hudson exclaimed and made her way, albeit shakily, into the kitchen to greet me.

Quickly, I grabbed a mince pie and tried to hurry away back into Sherlock's bedroom to avoid socialising. But I wasn't quick enough and Mrs Hudson turned me around, then pulled me in for a hug.

I awkwardly put my arms around her and still held my mince pie in one hand. I grasped onto it for dear life since I was so hungry.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Mrs Hudson cooed as she continued to hold me.

I glanced over at John with a confused expression and he replied by miming drinking. Oh, so she was a bit tipsy that explained it.

When she finally let go, I smiled and turned to go back into Sherlock's bedroom. But Mrs Hudson grabbed hold of my wrist, of my empty hand, and started to pull me towards the living room.

No, no, no. I wanted to pull away from her, run back into the safety of my hovel but I didn't want to upset Mrs Hudson. As she stood with me in the doorway to the living room, I glanced around at everyone anxiously.

"Hello, stranger." Lestrade greeted as he emerged from the kitchen, no doubt after refilling his drink. I took a bite of my mince pie as he put a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

I swallowed the mouthful of pie I had and smiled, giving him a slight wave as Mrs Hudson let go of me. "Hello."

"You're looking rather pale." Molly stated from where she was stood in the middle of the room and I noticed a lot of bags nearby, they were her presents for people no doubt.

I took another bite of pie and put the leftovers down on a tray on a coffee table. All the while I finished eating and then answered, "It's probably just a lack of direct sunlight."

"She hasn't left the flat in days, Molly." John told her and I glared over at him. He was sat on the arm of his chair with a dark skinned woman sitting in it, that was probably... Jennifer?

Mrs Hudson clapped her hands together once and ventured into the middle of the living room. "Whilst we've got her here, how about we give Darcy her presents?"

"My what?" I asked as Mrs Hudson moved the client chair into it's usual place in the room, in front of the fireplace. Molly reached into one of her bags and held something wrapped in red paper. "Guys, you really shouldn't have." I stated as Mrs Hudson patted the seat of the chair.

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