Chapter Two

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After escaping from that place, I had no idea where I was to go. I couldn't remember where my house was for the life of me. I didn't care, either. I just stumbled around until I ended up in the city, where a man found me passed out in a drainage ditch. He took me to the police, and they returned me home to mommy and daddy.

They were about as thrilled to see me as ever, really. They were.

Until, that is, I started threatening people. Until I started painting in blood. Until I started watching them sleep.

Until I laughed at my best friend's death.

My parents grew more and more uncomfortable with me. I tried to explain that it's so silly how people got so distraught over death. It's like trying to explain to a potty training toddler. "Everyone dies!"

So, of course, it was quite amusing to me.

And I suppose they had enough when i brought home active grenades.

They disowned me. They sent me away, to an institution very similar to the place I was kept in for 3 years.

Only this time, it was legal.

That's when I realized that laws don't mean jack shit.

I slept on a dirty mattress in a concrete room. I was abused by the staff, tied up, and tortured. That is, until the county issued mandatory "evaluations" to every patient. I was taken into a small room, and was placed on the other side of a table with a man who asked me so many questions. I answered them how I knew he wanted me to answer them.

"When was the last time you would say you acted violently?"

"When I failed a science test and crumbled it up."

"Do you have any religious beliefs?"

"I'm a child of God. "

And, man, was it easy. Because they deemed me sane enough to be placed in a foster home with other teenagers.

I stayed there for 2 years before I moved out. When I did, I immediately targeted my parents for giving up on me so easily. They were pathetic.

They showed me that family meant absolutely nothing.

I tracked them down, and discovered that they had another child not long after they got rid of me. They named it Joseph. I remember, that's what they had wanted to name me when they hoped I'd be a boy.

I stood outside of their house, breathing heavily. Staring intently. They slept together, holding each other while the toddler slept in the room beside theirs.

So normal.

Then, one night, I climbed in through an unlocked window. I had been watching them that day, and made sure they forgot to lock it, as usual.

I know what you're thinking. That I killed them in their sleep. No, I didn't. Only one of them.

My mother woke up when I shot my father. She screamed, so I had to knock her out. That made it easier for me to move her into my basement.

I had some connections with a gang. They would clean up after incidents in return for either loyalty, or cash. Unfortunately, I had no cash.

They cleaned up and made sure there was no way I could be connected to this crime In return for me doing their dirty work.

It wasn't too bad, I'd kill people here and there. I'd lead people into traps. I'd just torture them. The basics. 

Meanwhile I'd come home, water my plants, start dinner, and go into my basement to feed my mother.

One issue I had in the beginning was what to feed her. What would you feed a dirty bitch like her?

Well, what would a dog eat? That's right! Meat.

In fact, some dogs are even known to eat their own babies.

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