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There was a general unrest in Neverland which had caused the mermaids to lash out. The pirates stuck on their ship with nowhere to go and miles from land were the easy target. Their attack, although irritating didn't result in much damage. Baelfire had tried to help, but ended up getting ushered back below deck. They couldn't run the risk of the Shadow flying overhead and spotting him. If that happened things would go from bad to worse.

"You can stop that now," Hook tugged Aoife's arm, she was shaking her fist at one mermaid who was loitering around teasing her. "Ah," he put a hand over her mouth before she could start ranting at it, or about it or just ranting in general. "Shh," he said seriously while pulling her away and pointing his hook at her.

Aoife pouted and frowned up at him. He smiled happy that he managed to silence her. "Is it over with?" Baelfire's voice piped up from the doorway.

Aoife peered over Hook's shoulder, Hook turned on his heels and nodded slowly. "All seems to be well and safe, Baelfire."

"Do you get attacked often?" He questioned with a frown. He slowly stepped out, his eyes were flicking around making sure it was definitely safe for him to be out on the deck.

"No," Aoife walked past Hook. "Not usually. I think your arrival may have stirred something up. Don't look like that! Don't look sad, Baelfire. The mermaids are...well, I shan't go there, but they have no qualms with randomly causing trouble." Baelfire looked confused. He looked up to see Hook mouth: "Hates them." While pointing down at Aoife. Noticing Baelfire's look had shifted she looked up at Hook just to receive a smile in return. "Huh," she said sounding sceptical, moving away from Hook she walked off and past Baelfire, she was heading to her little hideout, which was essentially her bed. "Is there any damage down here?" She asked noticing Smee pottering around.

"A few cracks, nothing that won't be easily fixed."

"As long as we're not going to wake up wading in water, I won't mind. I shall help with the repairs tomorrow." Aoife smiled and rocked on her heels. "If you want my help that is. I mean, I've been such a sod, sorry Smee for pestering you. It would be easy to pass the blame to Baelfire, but it's not his fault." She apologised for the previous torment she had given the shorter man. Smee smiled and nodded, she took that as acceptance, "Night then." She waved and went to continue walking to her hammock. Hearing her name she ducked back out. "What is it?"

"You and the Captain."

"Oh," her smile dropped. "Yes, I'm not too sure what happened there." She admitted, Smee nodded slowly. Aoife tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Hm, night again, Smee." She walked back into her hideaway and settled. She couldn't think of anything else to say on the matter, Smee looked utterly embarrassed by him walking in on them, so he opted not to voice anything else.

Her little hideaway mainly consisted of being in a junction near another set of stairs that led downwards to the deck below. There were ropes, sacks of supplies, even cannonballs present here. It was like a small supply corner, tucked away on the ship. She didn't like enclosed spaces, so she had managed to fashion a bed out of old sacking, which she strapped to an unused lantern hook and a post. She was light enough that there was no strain on the metal clasp. She had fun scampering up the post slightly to climb into the hammock itself.

With a sigh, she sat there dangling her legs over the side. She stared at the wooden floor below with a distant look. She didn't wholly know why she came here, to her hammock that is. She was bored. She just left the main deck to get away from Baelfire's innocent confusion and Hook's general disposition. Frowning and peeking forwards, she could see that the corridor was empty, void of life. It seemed Smee had soon pottered into his own little cabin once she'd disappeared.

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