Chapter Thirty One

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Two days later...

I silently paced my room and tried to calm my nerves that had been way too high lately. I still hadn't talked to Martin and I know I needed to, but the huge knot in my stomach made me want to throw up. Actually I felt like I needed to throw up but I swallowed the feeling before quickly dialing his number.

The phone rung for awhile before I was sent to voicemail I sighed and left a quick message, "Martin, it's important. Just answer the damn phone."

I sat gently on the end of my bed, resting my head in my hands. The chances of him listening to that voicemail was slim but I needed to try. Thinking about him filled me with disgust and he really was the last person I wanted to be talking to but here I found myself, waiting for his call.

Next to me the puppy, who we had decided to name Rosie, laid passed out. To distract myself I pet her until my phone gently vibrated in my hands displaying his name. I took a deep breathe before answering, "Hello?"

"What?" He was short and I could hear the disinterest in his voice, "You gotta make this fast, I'm with my family."

"Could you not be an asshole all the time? Do you think I would be calling you if it weren't something serious? I'm not calling you to just chat, asswipe." There was venom in my voice that I knew he could hear.

He groaned, "Okay, then get to the fucking point."

"I was just gonna ask you if you used a condom?" The words felt wrong to say and I shouldn't have had to say them to him of all people.

"Uh, think so. Why?" He was so blasé it infuriated me. My voice rose and I knew Tessa would be about to hear me now, "Because it's fucking important. You know just because you don't got shit to worry about doesn't mean that I don't, okay? Just because you don't care about Justin doesn't mean that I don't. Just because you are a complete dick-"

I stopped myself because I could feel my anger rising and the worse thing about me was my anger. When I was mad I would let it consume me and take over my entire mood, and I wasn't going to let him make me like that.

"Nadia, just stop about. Damn. I did use a condom now I'mma get back to being with my family." The line went dead after that and I threw my phone to the other side of the bed.

Minutes later there was a soft knock on the door then it opened to Tessa, "Hey, what'd he say?"

I shook my head slowly, "He used a condom." Tessa made her way to sit next to me, Rosie in between us. Tessa looked down at her and pet her, "Listen we don't know the results yet so maybe we should just chill out on all that. Dr. Knowles said that she wasn't saying it was an STD just that she was going to check. They are testing for other things too so just calm down, k?"

Tears threatened in my eyes but I stopped them and nodded. Just then the sound of the doorbell went through the house causing Rosie to jump off the bed and bark at the top of the stairs. Her small body had not yet figured out how to conquer the stairs.

Tessa stood up, "That's Kylie, Kendall's home for a little bit so they wanted to stop by. Come downstairs and relax."

I agreed and followed, picking up a still barking Rosie to carry down the stairs. As soon as the door opened Rosie's tail wagged uncontrollably and Kylie rubbed her head, "Hi baby!"

"Is this Rosie?" Kendall smiled and I nodded, "I need someone to buy me a dog."

I laughed and set Rosie down before heading to the kitchen, "Just call Justin, he's got the money. Tessa made brownies you guys can help yourself."

Kylie picked one up, smelling it and receiving a look from Tessa, "These edibles?"

Tessa shook her head and grabbed the brownie from her hand, "No, damn. Just chocolate so get your nose outta my brownies."

I looked at the clock as Tessa began to set up for dinner which she had volunteered to cook later. It was three o'clock so the doctor's office would close in two hours and my patience was wearing thin.

"Guys, I'm gonna go call the doctor and I'll be back." Tessa and Kylie wished me luck and Kendall paid me no attention. She had no idea what was going on, not that it was a big deal. She had her friends and Kylie had hers.

Making my way to my room I called the office, waiting a few rings before receiving an answer, "Hello, Calabases Women's center. How can I help you?"

"Hi, my name is Nadia Collins. I had some blood work done two days ago and they said they'd call me when they had the results, but I just wanted to see if they had them now?" I bit at my nails that were freshly painted but I ignored that.

"Okay, Miss Collins, who was your doctor?"

"Dr. Knowles." There was a long pause and the hand that I was biting at started to shake.

"Okay, your results are in but I'm going to get the doctor because I'm not aloud to give results. Please hold." The women on the other end put me on hold and the calming music started to play. Although, I was anything but calming it actually made me more nervous than before. They should change that.

After a few minutes there was commotion on the other end then an answer, "Nadia Collin?"

"Yes?" Before continuing she asked me questions to confirm my identity then sighed, "Okay, well all of your tests came back good at first which was great, but a little concerning because there is obviously a problem. So I had the lab do a few more tests and those came back good, we found out what is wrong!"

Her voice was excited causing my nerves to be lifted a little bit. She continued after a pause, "I'm going to need you to work on your stress, Nadia, because your blood pressure was a little high."

I sighed and had the sudden urge to hit my head against a wall, "That's all?"

"You are STD free, you just need to work on you stress and start taking some prenatal vitamins." I eyebrows furrowed and I thought about what she said as she kept going, "I gave you a pregnancy test, Nadia, and you are indeed expecting."

What the actual hell? My nerves came back because what the hell? She was actually joking, she had to be, "What?"

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said it like that but yes, you are pregnant. So that just means I'll just need you to call in a make another appointment for the next steps in that."

"Okay." My voice was laced with shock I knew it and after listening to her directions I quickly hung up. When I did the tears instantly came because there was no way that that conversation had just happened.

I quickly stood up and walked down the stairs, my blurry eyes making it hard but they allowed me to make it to the living room where the other three sat talking. Tessa was the first to see me, making her way to me quickly when she seen my tears, "Babe, what's wrong? Did you talk to them?"

"That's a stupid question." My voice was harsh but she ignored it and looked at me expectantly, "I'm pregnant. Fucking pregnant."


Well, you guys guessed it. Lol. All I gotta say is there is one more chapter, Justin doesn't know about Martin yet, and Nadia now has to tell him she's pregnant. Don't get too comfortable 😉😏

Also, the turn out for the poll wasn't what I was hoping but that's fine I just hope you're excited for the ones in the future and vote on those because those will be important and I want you guys involved, ya know? Love you guys ❤💕

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