Chapter Eighteen

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Justin's lips planted a small kiss on my cheek as we walked side by side and in front of us Kylie argued loudly with Fredo who stared intently at his phone, "Fredo, we're at Disney and you're going to play fucking Pokemon?"

Fredo smacked his lips and continued his game, "Man, Kylie shut up. You know how many gyms are here?"

His comment caused everyone to laugh and I looked around the park. It was my first time at Disney California and I was a little surprised at the lack of excitement from everyone. Though the rest of the part was anything but calm. It was only Tuesday but the park seemed packed even now and it didn't help that Kylie, Justin, and Kendall were here.

Justin hand rested on my hip as he talked to Martin who walked on the other side of him. I attempted to talk over Kylie who was still arguing with Fredo trying to figure out what we were gonna do, "So where are we going?"

Ryan quickly made eye contact with me and rose his voice above mine, "Me and Jay were talking and said the Tower of Terror first?"

As everyone looked at Ryan my face contorted. I had never been afraid of roller coasters but I also didn't want to start with one of the biggest ones. My thoughts were interrupted by my stomach growling. 

Justin looked down at me with a smile and a wink, "Well Nadia's hungry, is anybody else?" Beside him Martin raised his hand, but no one else. Justin nodded and removed his hand from my waist, "What if they go eat and we get on the ride?"

Everyone agreed once again and began to walk in the direction of the ride, once there Justin slightly bent down next to my ear. He quietly whispered so that only I could hear, "Are you afraid of roller coasters?"

I looked down, shaking my head, "No, just not ready for the Tower of Terror." 

He snickered and kissed my cheek lightly, looking up at Martin, "Take care of her, k? There's a place to eat down there it's about a five minute walk, we'll meet you there." Martin waved Justin off and waited for me to follow him after saying bye to Justin, "It shouldn't be that long."

Justin waved his bracelet in an attempt to remind me he had gotten everyone fast passes, I nodded and followed Martin before saying one last goodbye. Martin was quiet as was I. We hadn't met each other before today but according to Ryan, Justin had told him everything he needed to know about me.

I quickly searched for something to talk about, "What did you want to eat?"

He slowly looked up from his phone, sliding it into his back pocket. What little I did know about him was that he toured with Justin as a DJ and that he had a heavy Dutch accent. Neither were things that I could relate to.

"I think there's this place that serves healthy food up here and a hot dog place." 

I nodded, "Hot dogs sound really good." Out of the corner of my eye he slightly raised his eyebrow piquing my interest, "What?"

"Usually girls Justin brings around eat healthy shit." There was a laugh behind his voice and I creased my eyebrows, "Well I'm Nadia, not just some girl Justin brings around. Where are the hot dogs?"

This caused him to laugh again and my irritation with him to grow, "You're right, they're over there." We headed for the hot dog place that funnily named "Award Wieners" and I quickly ordered a plan hot dog.

It was a sunny day and although it was almost an unbearable temperature I focused on the water in front of me. As Martin sat down I drew my attention to him, he was again focused on the screen of his phone, "You almost as bad as Fredo."

Martin laughed setting his phone down, "We live in the age of the smart phone."

"Just because we live in it doesn't mean we have to fall victim to it." I grinned and shook my head in his direction as he phone dinged and he picked it up once again.

"Listen, when you've got Ed Sheeran texting you, you text back."

My eyes widen and I quickly swallowed the bite I had just taken, "Ed Sheeran?!" The shock on my face caused him to laugh again and show me the screen of his phone. It indeed flashed Ed's name at the top and I shook my head but this time in shock.

"Still, if you don't look at your phone until the other get back I'll..." I dragged off, thinking of anything thing that I could do that he couldn't already do himself.

"You talk to Tessa for me."

I raised an eyebrow, "You think Tessa is pretty?" He nodded, "Fine, I'll talk to her but I can't promise you anything. Phone." I held my hand out allowing him to place his phone in my hand. 

I sat his phone next to me and as we ate it went off multiple times, each time his ears perked. Although Martin was quiet just moments ago it seemed all it took for him to talk was to take his phone. I quickly understood why him and Justin were friends.

"You were right, you aren't just one of Justin's girls. They are usually stuck up his ass." 

I smiled, "Thanks, I worked hard not to be just some bitch that hangs on Justin Bieber's arm."

Martin shook his head while laughing, "Damn, I didn't call them bitches." I gave him a face pushing him to be honest, "They are but I didn't say that."

I laughed and followed as Martin stood up to throw his trash away, doing the same. As I struggled to get my trash into the nearly full trash can I quizzed him, "So I'm not a bitch, right?"

"Nah." As I turned my head back to him to thank him his lips quickly crashed into mine. My thoughts went to him lips on mine, my actions not being as quick. The kiss was not one like Justin it was rushed, as it should have been. When my actions finally caught up to my thoughts I pulled away.

"Uh, Justin should be heading back. I'm going to go stand over there." I went to stand where I had Just pointed, still caught off guard by his kiss.

My mind quickly searched for any sign that I could have given in the past few minutes that could have said I was interested, finding nothing. The space next to me was suddenly filled by Martin, neither one of us talking. Minutes later the laughter of Justin filled my ears and I looked for his face.

Once I found him I quickly walked over to him, giving him a chaste kiss on the lips. He smiled at me before his hand found his place back on my lower back, "Hey, what'd you guys eat?"

"Just hot dogs. How was the ride?"

Justin smirked at Kylie before answering, receiving a middle finger from her, "It was fun, but Kylie doesn't feel good." Everyone laughed as Kylie began to defend herself, but my thoughts still focused on Martin's kiss. Why?


Martin = Martin Garrix for anyone that doesn't know and also this takes place at the Disney California Adventure park.

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