Chapter Twenty Four

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I woke up the next morning with a migraine and an almost instant feeling of regret. I could vaguely hear music coming from the floor below and debate whether I should go to investigate. Part of me didn't want to be around anyone today, but the other part of me needed Tessa. I didn't know if I would be able to tell her what happened last night just yet but I just needed to get it off my mind. 

I hesitantly stood feeling a soreness come from between my legs. I was ashamed of myself for more than a couple reasons. One being that I had cheated on Justin who had been nothing but good to me so far, another being that I had acted so stupid while drunk so out of character, and the last being that I had let myself be taken advantage of so easily. 

In a desperate attempt thinking about anything else I quickly got dressed and put makeup on before going downstairs. The music was still playing and Tessa stood at the stove cooking what smelled like bacon.

"Bacon?" I questioned because Tessa was never a big fan of unhealthy foods.

She nodded before pointing to a plate that already held about four pieces, "Grease is the best cure to a hangover so I made you some too."

I laughed before picking up a piece and eating it, her hair was in a messy bun and her body was still dressed in pajamas, "We staying in today?"

"Hell yeah. Kylie has a shoot or something anyway and Kendall was supposed to stop over but she had to go to New York. Famous people are unreliable." She finished the last piece of bacon, turning the stove off and sitting next to me in the living room.

"Jay gonna come over?" 

I flipped the tv to Crazy Ex Girlfriend before answering. The question made my stomach turn and I tried to not look like it bothered me, "Nah, you know if we were a show or something we would never pass the Bechdel test."

She looked taken aback when responding, "Okay, damn. No talking about Justin or any boys then."

I sighed, setting my now empty plate on the coffee table, "I'm just hungover and it makes me irritable."

"Clearly." The rest of the time was silent and I felt guilty for taking my frustrating, that was clearly at myself, out on Tessa. Next to me my phone buzzed and I wanted so badly to just ignore it but I couldn't.

Justin's name flashed across the screen: What are you doing today?

I slowly put my phone back where it was knowing that if I texted back that would probably start a line of questions and might end with him showing up and I couldn't do either right now. Tessa focused on the screen of the tv while I thought to myself. 

There was only one person that I wanted to talk to right now and she was over two thousand miles away. I mentally sighed before standing and explaining to Tessa I was going upstairs, she gave me a quick nod allowing me to go up. 

I hastily pulled up Facetime on my Mac, calling my mom. She was more than likely in the middle of work but there was only a slim chance that she wouldn't answer. While waiting I turned on music in the background and put headphones in as an extra precaution in case Tessa overheard.

Seconds later my mother's face flashed across the screen with a smile, "Hello baby. What's up, how's everything?"

"Hey momma, and everything is good just not me." I pushed the hair from my face while looking down at the screen. The smile that was on her face quickly dropped, replaced with concern.

"What's wrong, Tesoro?" I smiled at my mom endearing, Italian nickname for me. It meant sweetheart and whenever something was wrong she would pull it out. My mom was very Italian and although I never learned it was always something I loved about my mother. Something I wanted to be able to share with my kids one day.

I slowly began to tell her about the past few weeks, not leaving out any details including the drama with Justin's management. Although I knew she had to work she never once told me she had to go and when her face fell at the end I began to miss her some much.

"Oh baby. I'm sorry, è un cazzo. I say you and Tessa tell all of your friends there and kick his ass." She smiled a little, an attempt to make me smile.

"Momma, I don't want to hear that he's a dick. I know that, I just don't know what to do." I sighed.

"I know, I'm sorry. Listen, you're smart and you know what you need to do and you don't need me to tell you. You just need to figure out when is the best time to do that. Is it going to hurt him? Yes but what would hurt worse is the guilt that you will feel and the hurt he would feel if he found out by someone else," I listened to the words she was saying knowing that they were all true. 

"It's clear that you have feeling for him and if you do you will tell him. As for his management, that's tough. It's not something every twenty two year old goes through and all I can tell you there is follow your heart, it will never steer you wrong. If you feel like being with him is getting to much than you need to end it. His life is always going to be the way it is now and it will never change, that doesn't mean yours has to if you don't want it to."

She finally took a breath while waiting for me to respond. I was secretly anticipating everything she said before I called her, but I needed to hear them, "Momma, it's hard."

"I know, baby. He's Justin Bieber, Christ. But you are strong, you're heart is strong and no one knows it better than you. I've seen it action, I know you can handle this."

"That's mom." I smiled bigger this time, as much as it terrified me that I needed to tell Justin I knew she was right. Mom's always were.

"No problem. Now get off of here, Nadia. I'm glad you called, I miss your beautiful face." She smiled.

While she had spent a majority of her life in the US, her accent came through when she said my name. I blew her a small kiss before saying goodbye, "Bye momma." 

She returned the sentiment before hanging up allowing me to head back downstairs where Tessa was now grabbing her keys from the key holder, "I'm going to the beach you wanna go?"

"Nah, I think I'm just gonna stay in for the night." Tessa hesitantly nodded before walking out the door, leaving me to do whatever. Looking around the empty house I quickly got an idea of what I could do.

After I called an uber my phone vibrated, once again revealing Justin's name: You're not coming to the beach?


Sort of a filler here for ya after that crazy one. 

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