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I set up my camera and start recording.

"Hey everyone, H2ODelirious here," I laugh and continue. "I never thought that I would do a face reveal in these circumstances."


"And so that's why, why I'm taking my life. Yes, it may seem drastic, but that's what love does to you. Since I'm more than sure that my friends are going to watch this, let me say my final goodbyes."


3rd POV

Luke started watching Delirious' new video, and ten seconds in, he called everyone for a Skype call.

"Hey you guys." Luke said.

Came three different responses from everyone. "Have you seen Delirious' new video yet? It's a face reveal. I wanted to watch it with you guys so I can see your reaction." Luke said.

"Well what are we waiting for!? Let s see Delirious' face!"



"Hey everyone, H2ODelirious here," Delirious laughs."I never thought that I would do a face reveal in these circumstances. Well, I'm going to tell you what's going on."

"I have had troubles. Not so recently, I had this strange feeling in my gut every time Vanoss laughed, and not until a couple months ago I realized that I fell in love with my best friend."

"So, yesterday -May 1st- I confessed to Vanoss. I know, a lot of fangirls will be like, 'Oh my gog! H2OVanoss is real! I die happily now!' But, sadly, no."

Delirious started pacing around his room.

"Well, you see, Vanoss isn't gay. In fact, he's a homophobe. Shocking, I know. You can probably guess why I know that."

Delirious sat down in his chair, and stared into the camera.

"So, when I confessed to him, he said, and I quote, 'Disgusting. So you were a gay faggot all along. I can't believe I was friends with a gay fag. Get out of my sight, I don't care about you. You could go die for all I care.' It broke my heart. I feel so bad, I-I can't handle it. I mean, how would you feel if the person you love told you to kill yourself?"

"And so that's why, why I'm taking my life. Yes, it may seem drastic, but that's what love does to you. Since I'm more than sure that my friends will watch this, let me say my final goodbyes."

Delirious licked his lips as he spoke.

"Luke, my man. I don't know where to start, you were -and forever will be- my best friend, bitch. I want you to cherish the good times and don't stop doing what you love. I hope you're not mad at me. I love you brother."

"Tyler, thanks for all the laughs, and your wheezing." Delirious smiled. "Thanks for putting up with me, and I'm sure that he likes you back. I love you bro."

"Mini, I hope you stop being so oblivious and realize that he loves you back. Thanks for the memories, and remember," Delirious leaned closer to the microphone. "Operation Bigfoot is a go. I love you bro.

"Nogla, oh Nogla. You always got so mad when we mess with you. I never told you, but you have a good singing voice. I know how to play the guitar, and I'm pretty good at it, but you're way better than me. Continue doing what you do. I love you bro."

"Marcel, you were one of the top three ragers. Nogla, of course, was first, but you and Tyler are tied. If you truly love Simone, don't let her go. Love you bro."

"Ohm, I had bet you I would do a face reveal after you, but, it seems I failed. Treat Bryce right, else he might slip through your fingers. Love you bro."

"Bryce, keep on being you. Make sure Ohm doesn't overwork himself, as he often does. I love you bro."

"Lui," Delirious leaned closer to the mic again. "I can do the squeaker voice too!" Delirious cleared his voice and continued. "I bet you didn't know that, huh? Anyway, stay happy, love you bro."

"Brock, heh, Congrats on reaching 2,000,000 subscribers. Don't stop doing what you love, and make sure Brian doesn't get into any trouble. Love you bro."

"Brian. Make sure you dont get into any trouble, like beating up Evan and going to jail. I'll be fine, just make sure to take care of Brock. Love you," Delirious smiled and did the Arnold Schwarzenegger voice. "Arg, I can do it betta than you, arg. Just kidding. Love you bro."

"And finally, the person I love, the person who was my demise. I still love you. I just, needed a way of getting rid of the pain. I know you don't love me, so I just gave up. Don't worry, I wont haunt you when I'm dead. I'll see you in hell if Brock isn't able to stop Brian. I love you."

"By the time you see this, I'll be gone from this world. It was nice while it lasted." Delirious smiles and holds up a gun. "This is going to be my demise. I was never one for pain, so I'm taking the quickest way out. I love you all, you are all awesome. Don't stop being awesome."


3rd POV

Everyone in the Skype call was crying, except the prick. Brian was sad, then he turned angry. "Evan you prick! How could you! Jon's dead because of you!" Brian yelled.

"Good riddance. He was a mistake in this world."

"EVAN! YOU FUCKER! HE LOVED YOU! AND NOW HE'S DEAD! My brother...he's dead. All because of you. I hate you Evan." Luke yelled.

"Apologize to Luke, Evan!" Mini exclaimed.

Evan rolled his eyes and sighed. "I'm only sorry that he posted that video. Do you know how many subscribers I'll lose 'cause of him!?" Evan exclaimed.

"Evan. Man, and I thought you were the nicest out of all of us. It seems I was wrong." Brock said.

Everyone was angry at Evan and showed it. They stopped playing with him, and Evan lost millions of subscribers.

Luke had ended he call and drove to Delirious' house. The front door was unlocked, and Luke ran to Delirious' bedroom.

When he entered, he was greeted with the sight of blood, and his brother's dead body laying on the floor.

Luke dropped to his knees and sobbed, hugging Delirious' dead body.


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