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10 June 2016 8pm

"Hey Happy Birthday Jun." I greeted him as I entered his house,"thank you so much for being my friend over the years Soonyoung. How have you been?" Jun invited me in. "Okay I guess...not much thrill has been in my life besides work." I sighed,"Oh? What about Jihoon? How have the two of you been?" Jun continued,"well... he has been working more often. Travelling for festivals all around the world, he is pretty famous now... but we don't get to spend time much time as we used to. He rarely calls,texts or video chat.I really miss him..." I jabbered. "I know you miss him no worries okay-" Jun was then cut by the other half,"if you need any help you can always come to us." I nodded,"what I'm worried is my father, he made Seungcheol fall for Jihoon. I'm afraid Seungcheol will take Jihoon from me... What if he does?" I cried,"there there." The other two boys hugged me. "I'm sorry I cried... Let's celebrate your birthday now." I apologised and Jun ruffled my hair.


'what if Seungcheol took Jihoon away?' Fear conquered my mind as I walked home that chilly night. 'Soonyoung! Stay Strong Seungcheol doesn't know where Jihoon lives' I tried convincing myself,'no maybe, Jihoon and him are working together!' Thoughts like these came and the worst one which
made me burst was,'Jihoon probably doesn't love you anymore. He is probably hand in hand with Seungcheol all over the world."

My tears fell slowly, then my mother walked down the stairs and saw me tearing. She rushed to me,"Hey dear, why are you crying." She wiped my tears away with her thumbs.My mother was understanding, although she did force me to take on the medical course. She accepted me, being me."Is it about Jihoon?" My mother knew everything about Jihoon, because of my big mouth. "Yes..." She patted my head. "Are you scared that your father's apprentice will take the love of your life?" I nodded again, she hugged me and assured me everything was alright. Yeah sure everything was alright,"Mum, you dont understand what is like to love someone you can't have because you aren't like him! He is a celebrity and I am just a life saver." I shouted,my mother was speechless at the words I said. She hugged me and kissed my wet face.

"I love you Soonyoung, but I dont know how I can help you. You need to walk on your path alright?"  She assured me.

hey babe
sorry i have been texting i have been busy
i love you okay
why aren't you answering?
Aren't you happy to see that I am okay?
I miss you.
i need to extend my trip for a few more days.
Let us hope we can celebrate your birthday together okay?
i hope you see your messages soon.

hoshi's keyboard
You are always at work, how would I know if you are cheating on me? Every Time you have to extend your trip, what are you doing there? Are you dating someone who isn't me. I miss you a lot okay, I want to feel your touch again. Rather than talking to you screen to screen. Let's just breakup... |

You are always at work, how would I know if you are cheating on me? Every Time you have to extend your trip, what are you doing there? Are you dating someone who isn't me. I miss you a lot okay, I want to feel your touch again. Rather than talking to you screen to screen. |

You are always at work, how would I know if you are cheating on me? Every Time you have to extend your trip, what are you doing there? Are you dating someone who isn't me. I miss you a lot okay, |

You are always at work, how would I know if you are cheating on me? Every Time you have to extend your trip, what are you doing there? |

You are always at work, how would I know if you are cheating on me? |

You are always at work, |


I stared at my phone at started crying, he was surely going to miss my birthday.

11 June 2016 11am

"Hey, Soonyoung!" Eunji greeted me,"ready to work?" I smiled at her cuteness,"You alright? Your eyes are rather red..." She observed,"Oh... I guess I did not get enough sleep." I lied, I then started checking on patients and see how they were doing. One of them was a lady in her 70s her name was Lee Chaewon always stood out,she always talked about her life which was fairly interesting.

"When I was younger, my husband was always travelling. He always roam the world and brought back the cutest souvenirs, he never left me. One day... I came home from work, I saw the unexpected. He was in my bed, but he wasn't alone. A woman in her 20s was with him, I got so furious that I summed up all my energy and yelled at him to get out of my house. After that day, we chose to get a divorce. Before that happened, he begged me not to, sadly I chose to. After that day, he begged and begged. Every time trying to make me go back to him, I thought of giving in to him but I knew there will be repetition. He got so mad at me that he wanted to kill me, but God took his first. Now, look where I am in the hospital... seeing the other patients with their families while I see all the doctors." She smiled at me once she finished the story,"moral of the story is to never be obsessive of that someone, one day they will break your heart and you will begging for their forgiveness." She conclude, I nodded my head.

Still, how do I feel about Jihoon?

poor Chaewon >—< yup i brought Seungcheol to excite the book a little more. Also, I do not have a plan for this book. This book is a book where i write down what i have in mind while writing it. There isnt A PLAN which i like. Whereas Love potion has a plan and like stuff would go down. Okay so like i also have half day tomorrow and two days straight of holiday due to my country's independence day, so i will probably write. Either that i will go catch some Pokemon. Okay see you soon :)

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